
Chapter 238: Separate Lives / Mutuality Ain’t Enough, Part 1

I'm Frederick Keith Nighy.

Ever since that blur in my past – the one where I almost took in Aurora Hart as my adopted sister, if not for the gang war that killed my parents – was brought up, I've always wanted to revisit several places that all have something to do with my overall past, to make sense of what I am now.

First, I visit Conchita Primavera's grave.

I speak the following to the board game enthusiast who was taken away at just the tender age of 13.

"Conchita, nice to see you again.

"If you want to know how I'm faring right now, I'm experiencing quite a rough patch, that I have to be away from the two girls I love, Leigh and Aurora.

"And I certainly know you wouldn't be jealous of me, because we are still friends.

"By the way, I also learned to play chess.

"I don't have a chessboard and chess pieces with me, but if I did, we would love battling it out, you know."
