
Chapter 218: What’s With Them Wristbands? Part 1

Trigger warning: This chapter contains some references to suicide.

Content warning: This chapter contains several references to sexual acts.


With the trend of some woman getting pregnant being a huge topic for gossipers to feast on becoming passe, the next hot topic is, curiously, silicone wristbands.

Silicone wristbands are a popular fashion accessory due to their affordability and ease of production.

Because there are so many designs to choose, and also because of their ready availability and ubiquity, some collectors recommend these bands to complete beginners to the hobby.

The Surf and Spike Duo, Mara Fernard and Amanda Mirren, is one of those who encourage this.

Furthermore, these bands can also be used to raise awareness for noble causes, and thus they are also called awareness wristbands.

However, there is an urban legend that says these wristbands serve yet another purpose: To spread promiscuity among the youth.
