
Chapter 202: Away With You, Panic! Part 2

Yes, Tara Racy is indeed back!

But she's clearly suffering from a case of the panic attack.

I've read in some books that even a sudden touch can trigger a panic attack, but at least she still remembers me, so I should be safe in touching her.

I calm her down by gently tapping her shoulders, dissuading her from rolling onto the ground and soiling her clothes.

And I follow it up with the three words that should comfort her, "Are you OK?"

She looks into my eyes the same way I look at hers… the eyes of a friend separated by fate.

Gradually, her anxiety dissipates, and even a faint hint of a smile is back on her face.

After several minutes of silence, and realizing who is calming her down…

Tara tearfully hugs me.

"Welcome back, Leigh!"

She lets off her wellspring of emotions, dropping them onto my shoulders.

Once she has cried enough, she then faces me, asking...
