
Chapter 198: A Ghostly Split, Part 4

This "you're just a woman" mentality completely forgot that to protect future generations, one must protect the child-bearers.

But to my utter shock, many of those mothers aborted those same bearers in favor of baby boys, and the ones who survived had to deal with misogyny, so they had to get advanced degrees in order to be favorable to men.

When the policy was rescinded, those same women have surpassed the men credentials-wise, which made the women extra picky. At present, they're stuck with an aging population, with some areas even resorting to barbaric bride kidnapping.

I hate to see it happen in America, to be honest.

Once I realized the horrible implications, I stuck to my guns and believed we women are not just women. We hold the future.

And the fourth and last belief: Not wanting to teach me, her daughter, about sex... as if it's the most shameful thing in the world.
