
Chapter 194: Bent on Vinyl, Part 2

To christen this still-working turntable in our unit, we have it play the enka album, "Always Remember" by Katsuhisa Morimiya.

Indeed, the melismatic vocals and the usage of two scales that are frequently used in traditional Japanese music convince us to compose a country song in that style.

Since vinyl records, especially 45s, don't carry as much songs as compact discs, we finish the rest of the records we've bought in one go.

And no matter the genre, we always hear from the speakers how the vocals and instruments are always full-bodied, not relying on loudness or thumping basses to get the melodies across.

Indeed, vinyl records are experiencing a revival in recent years, and for good reason.

Despite their increased capacities that should capture everything made during the recording session, CDs sadly leave out some intricacies due to a thing called file compression.
