
Chapter 188: Fitting Out, Part 1

The next morning.

On our official fan page, the tourist from the United Arab Emirates, Abdurrahman Fahmi, leaves us a link to his social media post that showers everyone at Mushy Baby's Drift with praise.

"Mushy Baby's Drift is definitely one of the places to visit in Atlanta today. Great food, and great musicians. I even discovered a blind busker boy who has so much potential as a future musician. You all keep the spirit of country music alive!"

We all give the post our well-deserved likes.

And as for Aldwin…

He decides to call Lavian's and Alexa's unit his new and permanent home, and the girls don't mind.

Even someone like him deserves the tried and tested Scandinavian brand of coziness.

As usual, we just chill out in this equally chill morning when Laurent suddenly messages us.
