
Chapter 171: A Star That Faded Away, Part 3

With the 80s giving way to the 90s, Hollywood would see the rise of actress-singers who could match, and even exceed, Georgette's caliber.

And t was inevitable that she would receive fewer and fewer projects.

But even so, she continued to live an extravagant lifestyle, even ignoring my pieces of financial advice in order for her to stay afloat even if she didn't receive any projects.

Soon enough, the rising star would begin her downward spiral into the mud.

I confess right now that I have had a crush on her ever since I first met her in that singing contest.

But then, due to her cravings for power, she would go on affairs with men whom she regarded as powerful, and she wouldn't notice my feelings even for a second.

The downward spiral would continue, and this little tin goddess would continue on dancing her own dance, disobeying my warnings that became more and more frequent with each passing day.
