
Chapter 69: The Cult That Believes in a Manufactured Love, Part 3

I am Manuela Eva Karlson, one-half of the JonMan pairing.

Before I was hooked up with Jonny, I was known… or was infamous… as the extremely socially anxious lady.

Every time I tried to talk to people, I would break out in sweat and curl up in a corner in shame.

My greatest fear was people criticizing everything I do, even though it was no fault of mine.

But thanks to the help of family and friends, I was able to lift myself up from the abyss of anxiety, though I admit I can be anxious from time to time, even though those anxiety attacks happen much less often.

And then, to eradicate that anxiety from my system for good, I've decided to become a social media influencer.

Right from the comfort of my own home, I could promote products, entertain, and shape the opinions of people.

I believe that if I can inspire people, all those traces of anxiety in me will disappear for good, because I can finally see the good in these people.
