
[401] Climb!

[You have passed the 29th trial, Trial of the Sword Emperor.]

Did I pass?

I wondered as my head stared at the clouds, or rather what was left of them anyway. My eye was bloody and although I was barely able to see, I could still make out the clouds having been split apart.

The attack of the Sword Emperor had missed me barely, but the sheer force of it had split the sea of clouds we were fighting in.



Ah, it seems my head hit the stairs. 

I can't feel anything…My muscles have been torn apart and blood is leaking out from every hole in my body.

'How am I still alive..?'

I thought, as I caught sight of my arm, which had been severed by the attack of the Sword emperor. 

I barely managed to twist my body and dodge the attack and thrusted my spear at his head with all the force I had.

His head exploded…and my arm was gone.

'It's…getting dark.'

It's getting darker…I can't breathe.
