

"Nothing too extravagant," Rui shrugged. "The training resources entail basic training resources for the most common kinds techniques in all primary fields of Martial Art, specifically, maneuvering. As far as the information goes, we seek access to your library of scientific literature on esoteric material science. We also wish to access your labs to conduct and engage in some research."

This took the man by surprise. "Interesting, the former is no issue, it's actually the standard. However the latter…"

He made a difficult expression.

"Is there any issue?" Rui raised an eyebrow.

"Unfortunately, our libraries of scientific literature are only accessible by those with a journeyman degree in the sciences," The man smiled apologetically. "I'm afraid we cannot grant you access to the library."

"Even in exchange for Squire-level services?" Rui frowned. "As far as I can see, your town doesn't have the leeway to refuse extra Martial power, am I wrong?"
