
Trying To Process

Once we got inside, I ducked as one of the Living Dolls flew past me and up to the top corner of the hallway in a maid outfit, holding a duster. I looked over at Eliza, and she shrugged with a grin.

"Someone has to keep this place clean, so we might as well put them to work," Eliza said with a chuckle before she started walking toward her room. "Come on, let's go get packed."

I nodded before following her while Rexa trailed behind us, still looking a bit confused but not seeming to mind too much as Eliza chattered away excitedly about all the places we were going to visit. I cast a glance at Rexa and smiled when I saw the small smile on her face as she listened to Eliza talk. It seemed like, despite everything that had happened, Rexa was going to be alright, but I wanted to use some of the time in the future to get to know her and what the other Golems were like.
