
What do you want?

Since he had gathered everything, Lin Fan didn't stay in this cave any longer.

He came out and picked up Lin Li Zi from where he had left her.

He had one of his pets carry her as he traveled out of this Roaming Mist Forest.

Since he came here, he couldn't help feeling that there was something off about this forest and the mist that filled it. Even now, he still felt that there was something strange about this place.

So he wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible.

There was also a part of him that wanted to find out just what was wrong with this place, but he couldn't do that now.

Maybe after he took care of the Lin Family, he could come back and take a look.

He went right past the inn on his way back and only after picking up his carriage did he finally stop for a bit.

Lin Fan just sat there in the driver seat, slowly moving the carriage forward as he waited for a certain someone to wake up.
