
New order (1)

It didn't take long for Tian Xue to catch up to him and soon she was standing there just as shocked as he was.

She didn't understand what had happened here either, but she could tell that this place wasn't normal.

Looking carefully, she found that the clearing had a very distinct shape and the trees on the ground all looked like they had been flattened. Almost as if something had come from the sky to flatten this place.

As this thought came into her mind, she pointed up and said, "Let's look at it from above."

Lin Fan was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard this, but he gave a nod in response.

With their strong physiques, it wasn't a problem for them to jump several hundred meters into the air to look at this clearing from above. However, when they reached their peak height, the scene beneath them shocked them once again.

A handprint.

It was a giant handprint with the creature lying right in the center.
