
Chapter 154

After the episode, people in attendance became wary of Hugo. Knowing that they were being watched, they became more cautious with their words and actions.

Whatever people thought, Hugo did not mind. Anyhow, seeing that Charlton has finally left Annalys with the other ladies and was now without company, he went to approach him. "Charlton! I sure am glad to see you. We have so much to talk about. How have you been these days by the way? I haven't seen you for quite a while." He greeted enthusiastically.

Charlton smiled in return, "I have been well, thank you for asking. How about you?"

"With all the fiasco that has been happening lately, I have seen better days." Hugo replied.

Charlton tilted his head slightly, "I saw what you did earlier, and I have to say, I have never seen you in such a foul mood before. What happened?" Charlton asked.

Hugo sighed. "Let's just keep this between us, okay?"

Charlton raised his brow before giving a nod.
