
Chapter 19: The queen and the crown princess VI

Serena always felt a bit insecure of Annalys because she knew that she was the queen's first choice as Geoffrey's crown princess. However, she looked pass that and still chose her as her lady-in-waiting because she trusted Geoffrey's love and that, well, the Cross family held a huge chunk of the military power in their kingdom.

Although Serena's intentions weren't pure, after Annalys became her lady-in-waiting, she did try to truly befriend her. As they got to spend time together, she realized that Annalys' though spoiled, was only misunderstood. She may be honest and tactless to a fault, but given her social standing, what can one expect? Overtime, she grew to become fond of the younger lady.

Serena treated Annalys like her younger sister, daughter even. She helped Annalys build a positive reputation, guided her to improve herself, and she just made her shine.

That's why for queen Loretta to mention Annalys' name, Serena was rattled.

Annalys' standing, compared to her, wasn't far off. As her lady-in-waiting, Annalys was well accepted by her own social connections. Then, there's also the fact that she was an esteemed lady of her own right. Annalys was beautiful, young, she hailed from a ducal family more powerful than her own, and more importantly, she was unmarried. If Annalys had the ambition, she could replace her.

If Serena were to be more honest, those were also part of the reasons why she has kept Annalys close from the beginning.

Thankfully, her kindness to Annalys has paid off.

After the queen mentioned it the first time, Serena casually voiced her concern to Annalys. The reason was not because she had the intention to make it happen. Rather, it was to, one, share her burden, the other, to test her.

Annalys did not disappoint. She determinedly told her that she had no intention to become Geoffrey's second wife and even promised that she would never come between them. Although there's a possibility that they might just be empty words, the resoluteness in Annalys' eyes made her believe them.

"Mother, I already talked to Annalys but she rejected even the possibility." Serena defended.

"What made you so sure that that's how she truly felt? In my opinion, Annalys only said that because she's a real respectable lady with a generous heart. She knew how much you love Geoffrey. However, if you were to expressly tell her that you support the possible union, I'm positive that she would agree." Queen Loretta argued.

Serena at a loss for words for once could not answer. What could she say in rebuttal? That she saw it in Annalys' eyes? Even if she were to say that, if would only become laughable even to her, because how could anyone presume what's truly in the human heart?

Queen Loretta smiled at Serena's speechlessness. Invigorated with the feeling of winning their conversation for once. "In any case, I know that there's still some truth to what you said. I have spoken to Duchess Cross (Annalys' mother), and she mentioned that Annalys was indeed averse to the idea of becoming Geoffrey's second wife, citing you as her prime consideration.

Now, duchess Cross, on the other hand, has been quite taken with the idea. Thus, during one of our conversations, she and I have come to an agreement to have Annalys marry as Geoffrey's second wife. However, her concern was that Annalys might cause a ruckus if she were to force her into it.

So, we decided to delay it to the end of the season so that Annalys would feel like she had the choice. Of course, during that time, I expect you not only to ensure that her attention doesn't stray towards any other man, though I hardly find any man worthy as Geoffrey's competition, but also to ease her to the idea of marrying Geoffrey."

Hearing those words, Serena's eyes instinctively widened in disbelief. Try as she might to show that she was unaffected, she couldn't.

Queen Loretta seeing the expression on Serena's face felt some sort of satisfaction. "I can expect that you can accomplish at least that much, am I correct?"

Serena was not able to answer at once.

Queen Loretta smirked. "Serena, you're agreeable to that, aren't you? Unless… you have been against letting Geoffrey take a second wife in the first place."

Serena, as we all know, was truly against it. But how could she admit it given her current circumstances? It would mean that she, despite being the one with defect, purposely hindered Geoffrey to perform his duty because she has let her jealousy and selfishness cloud her judgement. If the queen had a recorder hidden inside the room which she does not know of, she could even use it to incriminate her.

Gathering her wits, Serena shook her head and smiled. "Please don't misinterpret mother. I was only thinking of how good it is that Annalys would be truly part of our family soon."

Queen Loretta's brows furrowed, not believing Serena's words at all. "If that were the case, then that's for the best."

"Of course, mother. But do tell, does Annalys know about this? Also, when is the wedding expected to take place? I need to know so that I could better prepare how to go about convincing her." Serena asked enthusiastically.

Queen Loretta doubted Serena's intention. However, there was no other way to go about it than to let her know and have her take the necessary steps for it to happen. "Annalys does not, but you may tell her so long as you were to say that it was your idea. There's no exact date for the wedding yet but it should happen before the year ends."

"Alright. I understand, mother. Then, if there's nothing else…" Serena said, to indicate that it was time for her to go.

Queen Loretta also did not want to spend more time with Serena as necessary. Satisfied for getting her point across, she nodded her head.

"Then, mother, I shall go ahead. Thank you for your counsel." Serena said as she stood up. She was at the door when suddenly, queen Loretta called her name. So, she turned back to face her.

Queen Loretta did not feel exactly right about Serena's reaction, so she deigned it to remind her of one thing. "Serena, let me emphasize lest you forget that the Cross family holds a huge chunk of the total military forces in our kingdom."

Serena raised both ber brows, "of course, mother. I know. But thank you for the kind reminder." She mirthfully replied before finally exiting the door.


