
Exploring Powers

Yang was really excited. Her eyes showing awe as she witnessed the armored, buxom women. Raven worried the sight was too much for her but it turned out to be fine. Yang was already preparing to draw her blade. Raven put her hand on her shoulder and shook her head as Masane engaged the blue armored woman. Meanwhile, the white armored one was looking at the Mother and Daughter.

"Well they don't seem that strong compared to huntsmen.." Raven muttered, seeing her daughter eager to fight.

"Hey, would you mind fighting my Daughter? I don't have any issues with you or your group. I just want her to experience a proper fight and test her skills" Raven politely asked the white armored woman, who looked down at her incredulously.

"Normal humans don't stand a chance against a Cloneblade wielder. Furthermore, why would I even consider that?" The woman asked, seeing her partner, Shiori struggle against Masane.

"She's not a normal human and I will owe you a favor" Raven casually replied.

The cloneblade on the woman's arm shone in anticipation. For a reason she couldn't explain, she wanted to accept the proposal. Something about Raven made the Cloneblade excited. Like it wanted her attention.

"Fascinating.." The woman leapt down and stood straight, facing Yang.

"After I defeat her, I'd like to fight you. It seems I can get something from you specifically" She said, raising her blade.

"Ah.. I have a lover already, sorry" Raven raised her hand, refusing her perceived advances.

"Not like.. Haah, let's just begin" The woman said before her eyes widened and she quickly sidestepped a flaming fist going a hundred kilometers an hour.

Yang's gauntlet breaking the light post in half as she quickly turned around to face the woman, her eyes already red. She seemed annoyed as she cracked her knuckles.

"Don't f..reaking ignore me. I'm your opponent, Lady!" Yang shouted.

"Apologies.. I underestimated you. My name is Reina. Now, let's begin" Reina reacted to her attack this time, ducking a katana swipe to her chest.

Yang cocked her fist back and shot out flaming dust rounds at Reina, who leapt over a park bench to avoid it before kicking the flaming planks of wood at her and dashing over as she held up her arms to block. She struck Yang across the waist with her arm blade, though it was on the flat side, as to not hurt her too badly. Her momentum was stopped as Yang grabbed the blade and glared at her before punching her ten feet back, her aura flashing.

"Urrgh.." Reina groaned as she got up, looking at Yang, who was unharmed.

"You'll need to do better than that!" Yang growled before launching herself at the woman and swinging her blade at her.

Reina, taking this more seriously, started to parry her strikes with her enhanced speed and power. Her bladed heels scratching away at Yang's aura as they clashed. Reina flipped over Yang after sidestepping an explosive punch, but while mid-air, Yang grabbed her by the foot and smashed her into the remains of the park bench.

While Yang was having fun, Raven noticed Masane was struggling against Shiori. She swore she could hear the Witchblade's aggravation, being bested by a mere copy of itself. Masane was far from its ideal host but she didn't give up. She was fueled by the Witchblade's anger and what felt to Raven like Lust.

~Why Lust though..? Is it because they're so underdressed..?~ Raven asked herself, seeing Shiori try to take Masane down with her crescent arm blade.

~"No. Well.. maybe? The Witchblade is a product of Dark and Light. Something that normally cannot exist. As such, its presence is chaotic. It defies natural order. Given the effects of chaos on most things, being lustful is quite tame. The Witchblade does a good job at filtering the more harnful effects out of its wearers. Though normal humans and.. whatever homunculi these are will break down over time from their use. Not you or even beings Neo is cultivating in her town"~ Pride chimed in, making Raven nod.

~"Ah speaking of Neo.. She's just done something interesting. Gave us a little shop, point system and a few.. other things"~ Pride added in an amused tone.

~Mm. Sounds interesting. I'm sure Artoria is happy too. I should spend some time with them too~ Raven hummed before looking over to Yang and Reina.

Yang's aura was burning crimson red in Wrath's flames as she continually slashed at the dodging Reina. This only seemed to frustrate her more as Reina avoided the blistering flame attacks and kicked Yang in the face before striking her with her full strength, causing her arm blade to crack. Yang's aura flared as both she and Reina panted. Though her anger still remained as she prepared to move again, being stopped by Raven.

"Your aura's in the red, little Dragon. You did incredibly well. She's a skilled warrior with super armor. I'm proud of you" Raven said, smiling at Yang as her red eyes faded into a gentle lilac.

"Hehe.. thanks" Yang looked away with an embarrassed flush and a smile.

"You did well too. My daughter's been well trained and her gift from me is nothing to scoff at" Raven admitted, looking at the sweaty Reina.

"The flames... I assume?" She asked through panted breaths.

"Yes, you did quite-" "Mmmn... Mmmm!" Raven was interrupted by moaning as she turned over to see Shiori straddling Masane and kissing her while her hands were groping her large chest.

Immediately, Raven swatted Shiori off her with wide eyes. Shiori flying back to Reina and collapsing face first into the light post. Raven moved so fast, she was a blur. Though the damage was done. Yang had her mouth hang open at the sight and sported a huge blush. Reina threw a gobsmacked expression at the very irritated looking Mother, who was staring at Yang in utter panic.

"Y..Yang, honey..?" Raven asked shakily.

"U..Uh.. I didn't know that... was uh.... a thing.." Yang looked away, covering her face.

Reina, Shiori and Masane felt a deep fear come over them as Raven turned back to face them with gleaming crimson eyes. She walked up to Reina slowly and placed her hand on her pale shoulder. Reina felt as if she were kilometers under water but she wasn't allowed to drop to her knees.

"Your.. favor? Hurry up... before I decide to kill your friend here.." Raven said, filling Reina and Shiori with dread.

"I.. would like... to.. invite you to the.. NSWF" Reina struggled to get the words out.

"Hm.. fine. Two days, I'll be there" Raven responded, urging Yang to follow as she picked up Masane and walked away.

Only after they got far enough away did Reina and Shiori breathe a sigh of relief. Reina crumpled to the ground, relieved of the suffocating pressure.

"Shiori.. Not a word of this to anyone else at the NSWF.." Reina said after catching her breath.

"Understood.. Doctor. But that woman.." Shiori trailed off.

"I know. She's dan-" "She's so fucking hot.." Shiori interrupted as her legs squirmed.

"This.. This is why she was so mad. Control your lust, for God sakes.." Reina sighed as she heard a faint moan from Shiori.

-Back with Raven-

Raven was carrying Masane back to the car in complete awkward silence. Yang was still blushing from the image and Raven had no idea what to say.

~Sh.. Should I give her the talk..?~ Raven asked herself as she pulled Masane into the car, on her lap with Yang next to them.

"I... Mom.. what was that? They were fighting.. then they were.. doing that thing I saw Uncle Qrow doing to that one flirty waitress" Yang asked, adding in a little extra.

~Note to self, force Qrow to play Superman 64 for a week straight..~ Raven scowled in annoyance as she rubbed her eyes.

"So.. when two people love each other-" Yang shook her head as she started talking.

"No no.. I'm sure Masane doesn't love that girl.." Yang responded, seeing Masane flush in shame as she buried her face on Raven's lap while the car took off.

The secretary, seeing such an awkward mood and conversation, opted to stay quiet as he drove.

"Uh... well..... hormones make you feel.. weird things as you reach adulthood, Yang. Sometimes people ignore them and save these feelings for a special person. Others, like your Uncle, tend to not ignore them and act on these hormones. That's what happened earlier" Raven explained, patting Masane's back sympathetically.

"Oh.." Yang nodded her head, seemingly understanding.

There was a long silence after that. Masane was incredibly comfortable, despite her face being buried in Raven's bare, toned thighs. Or because of it..

Until Yang looked at her Mom with sparkling eyes.

"Hey, Mom! What if 𝘆𝗼𝘂 had one of those super armor thingies!?" Yang excitedly asked.

Raven looked at the Witchblade on Masane as it flashed red.

"Well.. if Masane would part with it" Raven replied, making the secretary sweat.

"Huh..? Yeah I don't want this thing.. All I want is a decent life with Riko" Masane turned her head up and responded.

"I'll properly compensate you if you do give it up" Raven smiled as she saw Masane's eyes light up.

"Hell yeah! All I'd need to do is get it off" Masane responded in frustration as the secretary sighed in relief.

Until he saw the Witchblade itself move off Masane's wrist and attach itself to Raven's so casually. As if it had no issue just swapping hosts. The Witchblade, which often never changed hosts until they died or had their limb severed, removed itself from Masane and attached itself to Raven. He nearly stopped the car right there, but decided to quickly call his boss.

"HELL YEAH!! Wow! How'd you do that so easy!? I tried to tear it off but it didn't work.." Masane asked, looking at the Witchblade, which fit snugly on Raven's wrist.

"It's sentient and it wants strong hosts. Sorry, it's complicated" Raven responded, though Masane looked relieved and happy.

"Don't be! I don't wanna get harassed again and go out at night.." Masane replied, hugging Raven.

"Cool!! When can we see the transformation!? It'll be like '𝗦𝗛𝗪𝗜𝗡𝗚' and '𝗪𝗢𝗢𝗦𝗛'" Yang excitedly made sound effects with her mouth as Raven and Masane chuckled.

Meanwhile, the Director, Reiji Takayama, was greatly alarmed. Having heard the Witchblade so casually changed hosts. Though, it made sense, given Raven had some kind of magic going for her. He needed to secure some kind of employment for her immediately once they returned. Something he doubted would happen, given her nature.

As soon as they got out of the car, Raven looked at the Witchblade and hummed. It seemed ecstatic to be on a host so powerful. Yet it was respectfully staying out of her soul and avoiding her mana and authorities until Raven gave the okay. As they took the elevator back upstairs to the Director's office, Masane nearly fell asleep several times on Raven. Though Raven had a soft spot for single Mothers and knew she had no attraction to her, so she let her drift off and carried her inside while Yang snickered.

"Greetings. Segawa told me you became the new host of the Witchblade. I'd like to propose-" Raven held her finger up and stopped him.

"I'll kill off your 'Ex-Cons' but that is all I'll commit to. Keep her employed. I don't need the large salary anyway. We can talk later. For now, I'll be putting these two to bed" Raven said, securing Masane and Yang in her arms as she walked over to the balcony.

"Wait.. you're-" Reiji stopped speaking, dumbly staring at Raven as a wave of pure power drowned the entire country of Japan and beyond.

Raven activated the Witchblade, letting it delve into her authorities and soul as her transfornation started. Pitch black living armor covered her breasts, holding their weight in place as her arms and legs were encased in bladed armor. Though it really only covered the bare necessities as crimson markings covered her thighs, arms and trailed from her neck, to just below her eyes. Her eyes were still an ominous glowing crimson, though now with black sclera. Her long black hair now ended with crimson, bladed tips.

Sighing at how exposed she looked, she took solace in how hyped Yang appeared to be and smirked at her daughter before Armored Nevermore wings emerged from her back and she took off into the night sky.

Though she swore she could hear camera noises from somewhere..

-Shared dimension-

"Ohohohohoh... I gotta show Artoria this.." Neo smirked, skipping along as she looked at her scroll with dozens of pictures of Raven.
