
Jane as A Big Sister

Day Sixty-Two…


[ At Dave's Apartment… ]

(7:00 pm)

Dave woke up at the feel of someone's hand caressing his cheeks. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

He was shocked to see Karina's face closer to him. His first reaction was to sit up and move away.

"What are you doing here?" Dave's mind became when he realized that they were both lying naked in his bed.

Karina feigned innocence and said, "Have you forgotten already? I drove you home because you said you felt dizzy. Then…" Karina acted as if she was the victim. She tugged the hem of the comforter, covering herself.

"Then what?" Dave asked her, anxiously. He couldn't remember clearly. But he had this vague memory, seeing himself being supported by Karina as he entered the house.
