

"Yes, I will father. I will make sure to kill him as soon as possible ." That was the last thing Arthur said before he takes the poison from his father to hide it in his pocket while Adrien was still watching and listening to them with dread clear in his eyes.

Soon after this, both the brothers sneaked out of their father's bedroom using the same way they used to go inside.

After making sure that none of the guards saw them, they sighed in relief before walking toward their horses that they left inside the woods.

Adrien's gaze slowly diverted from the ground to look at the small bag around his older brother's waist which has the bottle of poison which Operine gave to him in order to poison the emperor and get rid of him uttering " Arthur? Don't you think that father is trying to kill us too by doing all this? Like he doesn't even care if the emperor catches us poisoning him or care if we got punished for doing it. He just wants the throne."
