Crobat flapped its wings and steadied itself in place, its wings were silent just in case of sneak attacks—since it was an ambush predator.
Ariados understood that it was outnumbered, but this didn't mean it was going to concede defeat.
Leon inspected Ariados.
<Name: Ariados♀< p>
<Type: Bug + Poison< p>
<Level: 23< p>
<Nature: Lonely< p>
<Aptitude: Orange< p>
<Ability: Insomnia< p>
<Moves: Poison Sting, String Shot, Constrict, Absorb, Infestation, Scary Face, Night Shade, Fury Swipes, Bug Bite,< p>
Leon was stunned, but it wasn't because of Ariados' stats but what was in its webs.
He saw many Rattata corpses that looked old and dried out; they appeared to have been sucked dry!
Leon's heart sped up and he found that his forehead was suddenly drenched in sweat.
Ariados sensed that Crobat was the biggest threat here, so it immediately spat out several strands of String Shots toward it.
Crobat's moved its body to the side and easily dodged, but it was a little too close to the ceiling, it wouldn't be able to keep this up for long.
"Crobat, use Air Slash!" Leon snapped out of his stunned state and quickly ordered. Both Haunters stood behind Leon and wouldn't act unless they were told.
Crobat waved its wings and a slash of wind tore through the empty space.
Ariados quickly turned to retreat deep into its web home to take the hit. However, it made no difference—its webbing simply couldn't tank the attacks, and Ariados was known for its quality webbing.
Ariados didn't have a chance, this battle seemed uncontested. Air Slash easily tore through those webs and nailed Ariados in the back, defeating it instantly.
Ariados didn't die but it had been wounded badly from the attack and fainted on the spot.
"Are there any more Pokemon inside of that web?" Leon turned to both Haunters and asked. In return, they both shook their heads. That's when he received a voice message from Alakazam.
Leon ordered them to remove the webs, which took them about 10 minutes to do. This was with the help of a few Geodude he had summoned up. Leon sighed, but he ultimately decided to capture Ariados, it could still be sold later on.
Once the webs were taken down, it revealed what Leon had been waiting to see. They were Pokemon eggs, to be exact, Ariados eggs.
"She didn't put up much of a fight to defend them, huh?" There were a total of Five eggs that sat deep in the corner, guarded by the thicket of cobwebs.
The Geodude brought them to Leon, but he told them to be careful or they'd break. Leon inspected them and was disappointed.
Four of the eggs had a Red aptitude, while the last one had an Orange aptitude. Leon had a lot of eggs in his Pokemon Home, but they were mostly great when it came to Aptitude.
These Five eggs were things that could be sold at the Black market. Leon made this decision and decided this was what he'd do.
"Haha, I'll have a whole store at this rate." Leon laughed triumphantly, he suddenly remembered that the money in the world went by the American Dollar system.
Leon relocated these eggs and the Ariados to a separate box inside his Pokemon Home. Afterward, he was warped back to the top floor.
Once Leon arrived on the first floor, he was greeted by Alane and Alana.
"Leon, we've cleaned all the way to the third floor, but we're almost out of soap to clean with." Alana shook a bottle of blue liquid soap, that had about one-fourth of liquid soap left.
"Don't use any more of it, I want you guys to clean something else." Leon signaled them to follow him, including Golduck. They arrived outside where they could see Ace, Lucian, and Rigor standing around and talking.
Both Machokes still stood around the fish tank, they hadn't left its side since then.
"Here, I want you guys to clean this out, this is a fish tank." Leon pointed to the fish tank and said.
"Whoa! It's really big, but it's so dirty!" Alane slowly walked around the fish tank, inspecting it in amazement.
They wanted to ask more, but it was something Leon wanted to be cleaned by tomorrow. Alane and Alana didn't ask questions, instead, they got to work right away.
Leon told them that he was going to reward them later for all their hard work.
"This fish tank, I'm guessing you're going to put Pokemon in it or something?" Ace was curious because he saw no use for a fish tank; at least in helping their cause.
"Yes, it's for that place." Leon nodded.
"Oh, I get it!" Ace finally understood what Leon was trying to do and he chuckled to himself.
"Alright, it's already 11:26 PM, so I'll be heading home for now. You guys can have Slowking teleport you back home whenever." Leon had Ampharos come over and use Electric Terrain, so they could see.
At this point, it was already nighttime.
"Alright, we'll see you tomorrow, we'll try to get a few more things done here."
"We'll have this fish tank cleaned by tomorrow, so you don't have to worry." Alana was confident that they could cleanse this tank with the help of Golduck.
They said their goodbyes before Leon was ported away by Slowking. In the next moment, Leon appeared in the backyard of his house. After being let into the house by his mom, he went to the kitchen to grab some snacks.
"Wow, you really do leave and spend your whole day outside with those kids, don't you?" Just as Leon grabbed a soda from the fridge, Luke walked over.
"Yeah, they're my friends, what's it to you who I hang out with?" Leon said dully.
"I'm just saying, you don't want to ruin our family's reputation by hanging out with such lowlives. Our parents are decently ranked in Team Rocket, so I don't want you spoiling things with your associations."
Luke gave a smile that wasn't a smile, but there was a tinge of contempt in his eyes.
'Where did this idiot learn to take on such a rotten personality?' Leon merely looked at Luke and said nothing for a moment.
"I got friends, actual friends, not people who I want to bootlick for."
Leon suddenly remembered the time when he and his family visited a Team Rocket base. This was when they were seven, this was when they met other kids from other Team Rocket families.
Leon was shocked at how rotten a little kid could be, at least for their age. Those kids were so arrogant that he felt like punching a few of them in the face.
Leon could have never imagined that he'd feel that way about a kid.
"Boot lick? Whose boot licking?" Luke's expression darkened.
Leon didn't reply and walked passed him to go to his room. Luke wanted to pursue the matter, but he was already skating on thin ice with his parents.
If he caused any more trouble, there was no telling what type of punishment he'd have to endure.
"Hmph! I'll outshine you on the quiz tomorrow and redeem myself. Our parents will also see and understand my potential to be a Pokemon trainer."
Luke gloated to himself, full of self-confidence.
"Leon! We have to talk!" Suddenly, an immature voice called out to him. It could be none other than his sister, Leona.
Leon turned to Leona and smiled, all the while, he was laughing on the inside.
Moments later, Leon and Leona were in his room talking.
"How come you didn't tell me you had a Pokemon already? You were supposed to tell me everything, there aren't supposed to be secrets." Leona pouted her little lips, her tone was filled with sassiness.
"I was going to tell you, but I forgot." Leon smiled bitterly, he wasn't lying—that Sneasel was a last-ditch summon.
"Hmm...prove it, do you have any more secrets that you might not be telling me?" Leona smiled cunningly, as her eyes formed into little crescents.
"I have a Pokemon for you as a gift if you pass your test with a perfect score, you'll love it," Leon stroked his chin and grinned.
"What?! Are you for real?! A Pokemon?!" Leona jumped in shock, she thought she was hearing things.
Leona had seen the Pokemon from the Team Rocket's list and she wasn't really impressed. At least, when it came to their appearance, Leona didn't think any of them were cute except the Meowths.
"Shhh! You're too loud. How can we be secretive when you're over here yelling out all of our secrets?" Leon tapped his lips with his index finger, signaling Leona to keep a low voice.
"Sorry, sorry, okay!" Leona nodded like a chicken pecking grain. She had a wide smile across her face, while her cheeks were flushed with excitement.
"Perfect, but you have to get a perfect score, you will have to make sure you study. The Pokemon I'm going to give isn't just cute, but it's super-duper strong."
Leon knew she wouldn't tell anyone, she wouldn't expose anything. And even if she did, Leon had an excuse for it anyway.
However, Leon wasn't sure what Pokemon to give her. He was thinking of an Alolan Vulpix, but that was too out of place so that was a no-no.
"I have! I've been studying a lot by myself. I was even studying with Mom earlier, so I should pass the test she hands out tomorrow."
Leona was more determined than ever, but when she heard about the gift she was going to receive—her determination to get a perfect score skyrocketed.
"That's good, I'm about to go to sleep now. We'll see what happens tomorrow, and we'll know if you can pass the test or not."
After talking with Leona for a bit more, she left his room completely satisfied with the visit.
Leon stretched and left his room to take a shower. Once that was done, he went back to his room and lay down before falling asleep.