
Chapter 30: The Rise of Myles Walley

Chapter 30: The Rise of Myles Walley

AN: I tried to squeeze all the plot but I can't. I'm burnt out just trying to rewrite this first half. So here it is folks, the first half of the true Myles finally coming into the story. I forgot just how long this chapter was. Sorry if I kinda didn't live up to the hype, there's only so much I can use to describe Myles becoming brutal. Just use your imagination to get picture on what he is doing.

Myles stood in the abandoned open area, his eyes scanning the battlefield. He could hear the thoughts of everyone around him, their fears, doubts, and hopes. The voices were a cacophony in his head, but he focused on the task at hand. He studied Barry, who was exhausted and injured from the battle. Bivolo was standing behind a shield, his army of meta-humans waiting for orders.

"Who is this guy?"

"I'm shaking just by being near him..."

"What the hell is that thing..."

"I need to get out of here."

"I don't understand what's going on with him," Barry thought, watching as Myles began to crackle with energy. "He was always impulsive, but now he seems so...mature. He even looks a bit older. Is he still our ally or something else entirely? What happened to him?"

Bivolo, on the other hand, was concerned about the newfound sense of maturity he sensed in Myles. "This... This isn't the same Tachyon," he thought, eyeing Myles warily. "Something isn't right. This isn't the same manchild I worked for. He seems more focused and in control. I don't know what he's capable of now," Bivolo thought.

Myles smirked, knowing he could take them all down without breaking a sweat. Suddenly he felt strange as if something was building up inside of him. He looked down at his arm and saw cracks forming on his skin. But instead of pain, he felt stronger than ever before. The cracks emit dark and white energies. Yet Myles was familiar with the sensation.

"I need to test this out," he thought, as he began to focus on each aspect of the Primal Force. He experimented with the Still Force, feeling a sense of calm and stillness wash over him. He could feel it, time slowing down to a complete halt before resuming, ten seconds he counted.

Next, he tried the Strength Force, and he felt his muscles bulge as he grew stronger, gravity itself bending to his whim. Though for now, he can only affect gravity for a certain time, he was confident he can affect everyone's gravity indefinitely sooner or later.

Finally, he tapped into the Sage Force, and he felt a surge of knowledge and understanding. Unlike Speed Thinking, which just lets him predict and process information faster than a supercomputer, The sage force gave him cosmic awareness, all the knowledge and secrets to the cosmos were there at his disposal. He also gained psychic abilities however just like strength force it was still limited to certain areas. He wasn't lifting buildings with his mind any time soon but again that problem can be fixed.

So focused on his discovery, Myles had completely forgotten about the outside world. Yet despite this, everyone shared the same feeling, as they observed Myles.


One of the primal aspects of humanity is fear of the unknown. Myles had become the unknown and no one had any idea of what he was capable of.

Finding himself satisfied with his little test, Myles focused his attention on Bivolo's army, he cleared his throat and spoke, "Sorry about earlier. I was acting like a jerk. My name is Myles Walley," he said in a calm and mature tone, "but I have some bad news for you. You're all dead."

Barry and Bivolo looked at him in horror as Myles approached one of Bivolo's metahumans. He grabbed the metahuman's head. The man struggled to break free, but Myles absorbed man's life force in the form of electricity, leaving nothing but charred bones. Everyone could only stare as the man's skin melted off, eyes boiling like an egg, his screams turning into a butchered pig.

Myles' demeanor remained mature and focused, ignoring the gruesome act he committed and solely focusing on his new powers. "I'm not sure how this works yet, but I'll figure it out," he said, before turning to face Bivolo and his army.

The air was filled with the smell of burnt flesh, and the crackling of electricity echoed in the area. Myles dropped the lifeless body to the ground and turned to face Barry and Bivolo. "Now, let's get down to business," he said, his voice oozing with confidence.

Barry rushed towards him aiming for a good punch but Myles merely snapped his fingers and just like that, Barry was frozen in time. "Stay here, I'll deal with you later champ." Myles whispered before playfully tapping Barry's shoulder. "In the meantime just enjoy the show."

Myles, stood tall and emanating dark energy, wasted no time in taking down Bivolo's army. With a wave of his hand, he sends a shockwave of gravity that causes the ground beneath the army's feet to tremble and break apart, sending them flying into the air. Cracking his knuckles, a low rumble emanates from his chest as he surveys Bivolo's army. The metahumans had been caught off guard by his sudden attack, but they quickly regained their composure and attacked Myles with all their might. Myles dodges, weaves, and retaliates, his movements almost too quick for the human eye to follow.

Myles began to move at an incredible speed, moving faster than anyone could see. His movements were fluid and graceful as if he had been doing this all his life(Which he is). He dashed toward a group of metahumans, who were shooting energy beams toward him. With his newfound durability combined with godlike speed, the majority were reduced to bloody chunks and those he missed were burnt alive from the heat of friction. Myles' entire body was dyed with blood and guts.

Myles roared and launched himself into the air, his superstrength propelling him higher and higher. As he soared above the battlefield, he extended his hand and unleashed a blast of gravity that sent the enemy troops hurtling toward the ground. They crashed into the earth with bone-jarring force, struggling to get back to their feet as Myles descended upon them.

Increasing his mass, density, and gravity, Myles fell like a shooting star and caused a minor earthquake. Those who were trapped by his gravity could only scream as their bodies were torn asunder.

More metahumans came, and Myles decided to have a bit more fun. Combining the negative aspects of the speedforce, sage force, and strength force, Myles launched a destructive ball of energy. Anything it touched was erased from existence.

Again, Myles went creative with his powers, he began to turn those he touched into 'magnets' by changing the gravity. Soon a lot of Metahumans were being crushed by cars, rocks, debris and etc. Myles even went as far as doing the opposite, as his victims were torn apart as their gravity pull was changed in different directions. One even had his bones ripped out by the intense pull.

When he had enough of using superspeed, he switched to using his superstrength, crushing heads, breaking or ripping spines, just ripping and tearing anything or anyone he can grab on. Then he switched to Psychic powers and had way more than he should. Reducing those people into savage animals was just too funny. He even brainwashed one of the women, into being his chair, oh this one had nice curves he'll keep her. Then he used the still force, and now which was challenging to use. Stopping time every ten seconds was easy when combined with his super speed.

He also had to think on the fly like stopping time from the debris and changing their gravity before undoing the time stop and letting it become a freaking missile. He even trapped a few of them in a time loop for a laugh. It was still funny that the last guy's time loop involves him falling face-first to the ground, too bad his face has been disfigured, what a shame.

But he's most favorite thing to do was absorb everyone's life force like a vampire. Young, old, sick, willfully or forced, he didn't care he absorb everything and left not a thing.

As the battle raged on, Myles grew more and more creative in his use of his powers. He sent streams of electricity crackling through the air, frying the enemy troops where they stood. He spun vortexes of air and fire, engulfing his enemies in a maelstrom of destruction. He ripped the very fabric of reality itself, tearing open portals to other dimensions and unleashing horrors upon his foes.

And through it all, Bivolo's army panicked and fled, their morale shattered by the overwhelming power of Myles. They screamed and begged for mercy, but there was none to be found. Myles was an unstoppable force, a being beyond comprehension or reason. He was a god, and they were mere mortals, doomed to fall before him. He hunted them down one by one, absorbing their life force until nothing remained but charred bones.

By the time it was over the entire area had become a graveyard of blood, guts, and bones. Myles stood amidst the wreckage. He had combined his abilities seamlessly, taking out the army without breaking a sweat. He looked around, sensing a presence nearby. Bivolo was standing in the shadows, watching Myles with a mixture of fear and fascination. Myles walked towards him, his steps echoing through the empty area. "I hope you enjoyed the show," Myles said, his voice deep and powerful. "Because now it's your turn."

Bivolo backed away, his eyes wide with terror. He knew that he was no match for Myles in his current state. But he also knew that he couldn't run. "Wait! Myles, Boss Please don't kill me! I didn't mean it I swear."

"Now, now Bivolo, whether it was intentional or not, I can't exactly let you go free without punishment. What would the others say if I let that happen. Besides didn't I already warn you in the first place?"

Myles cheerfully raised his hand, and a bolt of energy shot toward Bivolo. The villain screamed, his body convulsing as Myles continued. The air around Myles crackled with electricity as he absorbed Bivolo's power, leaving nothing behind.

Turning his attention to the frozen hero, the man approached the hero with a casual stride, stopping just inches away from him. He looked at him with a mixture of admiration and disappointment.

"You know, Barry, you were my hero," Myles said, his voice carrying a hint of melancholy. "When you first burst onto the scene, I was your biggest fan. You were so cool, so amazing when I first saw you, I even cosplayed as you."

Myles paused as if lost in thought, before continuing, "But you always needed backup, didn't you? Always running late. And you call yourself the Flash. It's kind of absurd, don't you think?"

Myles tilted his head, studying Barry's frozen form. "I thought you were supposed to be fast, Barry. The fastest man alive. But you're always just a few steps behind, always playing catch up. Even that... THING was faster than you."

Barry remained frozen in time, his expression unreadable. Myles continued to talk to him as if he was listening.

"I wanted to be like you, Barry. I damn tried to be you when I was became that thing. But you know what? It's not enough. Being a hero is just not for me. I can't spend the rest of my life saving lives 24/7, and just accept thank you's. That ain't gonna feed me. You have to be a god to do that."

Myles's voice grew stronger, more determined, as he spoke. He looked up at the sky as if addressing a higher power.

"I guess all I'm trying to say is... being here... is kind of a disappointment." True he can live out his fantasies and having superpowers were fun and all but that fun ended long ago. Now, it's just like back in his original world only he has to worry about the dark Multiverse, Darkseid, Anti-monitor, Injustice League, Justice Lords, and other threats.

He turns back to Barry and raises his hand and begins to vibrate. "Nothing personal Barry, just can't have you messing around just because someone hurt your feelings."

Barry stood frozen in time, unable to respond to Myles' words. Meanwhile, at Star Labs, Cisco and Joe were becoming increasingly worried about Barry's lack of response. "Barry, can you hear us? Please say something!" Cisco shouted into the communication device.

Joe looked at the device, his eyes filled with concern. "What's going on, Cisco? Why isn't he responding?"

Caitlin was also on the screen, desperately trying to talk Myles down. "Myles, please stop! You're not thinking clearly! This isn't who you are!"

But Myles seemed to be ignoring everyone's pleas. He turned his attention back to Barry, his eyes narrowing. "You were always my hero, Barry."

Myles' words sent chills down Caitlin's spine. She knew this wasn't the Myles she knew.

Meanwhile, in the time vault, Thawne knew he had to stop Myles before he killed Barry and erase the timeline, his future. Thawne couldn't let that happen, no matter what it took.

"Saving the Flash... Must be my lucky day." Thawne thought the irony was not lost on him. The idea of saving his future nemesis was hilarious yet here he is.

As Thawne donned his Reverse Flash costume, he felt a surge of excitement and anticipation course through his veins. He was going to stop Myles before it was too late. With a burst of lightning, he raced out of the time vault and into the city.

The wind rushed past his ears as he moved at lightning speed, weaving in and out of the crowded streets. The people around him were nothing but a blur as he focused on his goal. Thawne's heart raced with the thrill of the chase as he drew closer and closer to the open area where Myles and Barry were fighting.

Just as Myles was about to phase his arm into Barry's chest, Barry suddenly broke free from the time freeze. He felt a sudden surge of energy course through him, and he let out a pulse of lightning that sent Myles flying backward.

Myles whistled in admiration of Barry's power, his eyes glowing with excitement. "That's not enough Myles!" Barry yelled. "You're not hurting anyone."

Myles just chuckles before standing up and patting off the specks of dust. "Well, what do you know, Nora's playing favorites..." He grins when hearing a familiar sound. Turning

Barry turns and quickly his blood boiled. There standing in front of him was the murderer of his mother. "YOU!" He yelled.

"Mr. Thawne, I didn't think you'd be coming today." Myles said.

"You know who I am." Eobard slowly walked forward. "Then you know what's going to happen next."

"Of course I do. You're one of the pettiest men alive, someone who would kill a kid just to make his crush feel lonely." Myles gave a mocking clap. "Oh wait didn't she still dumped you? Ouch, that must sting a lot."

The Golden speedster frowned, how did Myles know about his pasts? Shouldn't he be from this timeline?

As if the surprises didn't end a crack in reality appeared and a familiar screech was heard, Black flash clawed his way through before stopping. At first, Thawne thought Black Flash was there to kill him but when he noticed that it was only looking at Myles, he knew that there was something more going on.

Barry quickly taps on his ear. "You guys seeing this?" His voice was barely above a whisper and his eyes were wide. What in the world is going on?

Back in star labs Cisco, Joe, and Caitlin were just as shocked. "You mean watching a zombie tear time and space with its... demonic claws!? Yeah I saw that!" Cisco yelled.

"It looks like that thing has a grudge against Myles." Caitlin said.

"I don't care what it is, where it came from, Barry needs to get out of there. " Joe said.

Back on the battlefield, it was a standoff from both sides, each eager to strike first but holding themselves back. Myles gave a mocking clap. "Bravo, bravo, A+ for Black Flash entrance." He cackled before grinning. "My turn."

A stray lightning bolt came from the heavens and struck Myles' body. All three braced themselves as Myles stepped out of the smoke donning his new Tachyon Jumpsuit. The jumpsuit was black as night, sleek, almost liquid-like texture, and face obscured by a menacing mask with jagged edges and glowing purple eyes, giving it a dark and brooding, feeling.

In response to the avatars and enforcers, both the speedforce and Primal force also had an intense standoff. Each has its own armies of monsters. All waiting for the signal.

If there was one thing Myles shared with his imposter it was they had a thing for dramatic flair, so Myles just couldn't help himself but flex by unleashing the primal force aura taking the shape of a demonic monster.

"So who's up first?"
