
Chapter 3 : Consequences

Sylas watched the magic as Vannis and all the mageseekers crumbled, not only that some houses in the village were impacted by the strong magic, killing that inside of it.

Then some magic bounced behind him.

And yet, Sylas smiled.

He didn't know he possessed such powerful magic!

but the joy quickly subsided as he looked over to the corpse of his dead master, and the child he was meant to protect.

What did he do?

he was going to go to the young girl but was beaten by a young boy, who ran over.

His left leg was gone, and his right eye was brutally injured.

"ELANA!" The young boy cried, as he slowly grasped the young girl in his arms.

The smell of burnt flesh caused Sylas to want to throw up, as he slowly started to walk over to the dead corpse of his master Vannis , before giving shaking his head.

He wanted to kill a child.

He was justified.

He was justified.

He was justified.

He clenched his teeth.


"ELANA!" Ajel rapidly checked her pulse , but nothing came up.

He cried cause of the constant pain in his leg , which he didn't dare to look down on.

With one hand , he was cradling a corpse.

He was losing to much blood.

He was going to die here.

Tears rolled down towards the dead corpse of his sister and he slowly cried for what felt like hours.

Why did it have to go this way?

He looked over to Sylas , who was on his knees , crying.

"I am justified, i am justified."

He felt his eyes gain heavy with the rapid amount of blood he was losing.

His arm and his face stung every time he breathed.

Was death the better option here?

Seeing the lightning sparks that Sylas was slowly admitting through his hands , he though of a idea.

One that could save his life.

"Cauterize... cauterize the wound." Ajel said , as he looked over to Sylas.

Sylas stopped crying for a moment , before looking at the boy in hesitation.

"You will be hanged." Sylas muttered. "You need to escape Demacia , as fast as you can." He slowly inched forward and touched his lightning magic infused palm against his skin

"AHHHH!" Ajel felt the burning touch of the magic as it seared through his skin , which made Ajel want to pass out from the pain.

Ajel cried once more , even after Sylas removed the chain's.

"Do you hate me?" Sylas asked , with his confidence and pride from before sounding more like a deflated balloon than a proud eagle wanting to serve Demacia.

"I despise you." Ajel muttered , his eyes cold.

Sylas was hesitant to say anything as he slowly examined the face of Ajel.

"Your leg.... you will never be able to walk again."

"No shit."

"And your eye-"

"Do it."

He knew what was next.

His right eye was beyond saving now.

Sylas picked up a sword , and cleaned it by a nearby river.

What needed to be done , needed to be done.


Ajel weakly looked at himself in the river , seeing the empty hole and his leg.

He used a "Petricite spear" to hold himself up , but every now and then he fall and stumble.

His left eye was stained red with tears , while his right only held a empty abyss.

"I need to go." Sylas muttered , before saying. "I-im sorr-y." His words got stuck in his throat , almost like he wasn't use to saying those words.

The reinforcements would be here soon , for the mageseekers.

Most likely one of the villagers would of reported them by now , and they were probably on there way.

However , he still had some things left to do.

"Zacery Armitage , that was the name of the witness." Sylas muttered. "I found it in Vannis notebook. Do with him what you see fit. Revenge is not always the option."

Ajel snickered, before using his spear crutch and slowly going up the mountain.

"WoAH-" Ajel fell backwards , the spear breaking loose as he rolled down the hill.

He needed to get up , and go to the agriculture part of the village.

He needed to.


The sun was setting , and Zacery was humming in excitement.

He had gotten 2 silvers for telling the Mageseekers that a mage was in the village , and he was happy to help them.

Not to mention he would gain a gold if it turned out that the case was true , and as a proud supporter of the winged protectors , he was happy to serve Demacia.

He slowly walked over to the butchers shop , the only one in the agriculture village , and couldn't help but show his excitement.

Meat! meat that wasn't wyvern.

Beef , pork , the things that only kids with parent's could have!

he wanted it!

and all he wanted was some scumbag mage that would abuse there powers?

he would of done it many times more if he was given the opportunity.

She was probably being sent to prison , and they were probably taking the gold to him as he speaked.

Walking into the butchers and ordering some meat that already had been cooked , Zacery went to his hidden spot , where it was beautiful at night time , and watched the sun set with the pork.

He had a clear view of the hunting part of Uwendale , and it was truly beautiful-

He saw several columns of smoke come out of the village below, but Zacery only shook his head as he greedily touched the pork belly , which was his and his only.

He didn't want to share with the orphanage , that's why he came here.

He indulged and indulged , feeling the succulent and tender meat slowly go through his mouth.

But he felt something.

Something in his stomach.

He didn't know what it was , but he wanted himself to go back to the orphanage for a moment.

I'll do it when i finished the pork belly , he thought to himself.

And so he wolfed it down , meat brought with money that had blood stains on it.

While walking out of the secluded spot in the forest he saw a smoke column arise from the centre of the town , where the orphanage was.

Something in his heart sinked as he slowly started to get closer.

A burning inferno raged what he called home , as he looked the people that hastily went into the building.

Some were lucky , some weren't.

those who weren't , he never wanted to see again.

He saw a dead body of one of his best friends , and a indescribable rage filled his heart.

But he didn't do anything to help.

He simply observed.

And then he saw something from the corner of his eye.

It was a person , carrying a marble spear.

At first , he was scared , but then he saw who it was.

"Ajel , did you survive the fire? are you okay?"

A rhetorical question , as he observed the boy's leg and eye , which had been burnt.

Zacery slowly walked up to the boy , before putting his arm around him.

He put his hands in his pockets , to see if the young boy had any coppers he could steal.

To him , it was a fund for helping hi-


The Petricite spear was lodged into the heart of Zacery , as he slowly turned around and froze.

He looked into the eyes of Ajel.

Pure hatred and coldness.

It was like the aybss.

Ajel fell over due to losing his support , but Zacery fell as well as he examined the spear in his heart.

His face morphed into fear , and he looked like he was about to cry.

The girl... it was his sister.

The smoke columns from earlier , did something happen?

he then suddenly felt Ajel get atop of him , and started to feel heavy , strong punches.

"My sister was like you before she died , fearful and moved to tears."

Ajel left the spear in on purpose , just to make it more lengthy.

Ajel slowly grabbed his arm , before twisting it in a way a arm isn't meant to twist.

The feeling of a broken bone cause Zacery to scream out in pain , but he still had a feeling of hope in his mind.

He wasn't to far away from the orphanage , maybe if someone hears him scream they will come and save him-!

"ARGHHHH!" Another bone was snapped.

First his left arm , then his right , then his left leg , then his right.

Then Ajel slowly grabbed a stick and drove it through his right eye , before finally pulling the spear out , which had been coated with blood at the top.

The blood spurted out , as Zacery's mind had been broken by the pain.

It was too late.

Ajel watched as the boy took his final breath , before grabbing the spear and driving it through the throat of the boy.

It still wasn't enough.

So he stabbed the boy's body , even after his spirit had passed on.
