
Chapter 56 : Diamond Raiment

With the Library of Heavens Path, Lin Fan could see all of his Mother's abilities. And there is one very special ability that his mother has, that is Life Regeneration!

Yes, Lin Fan's mother has the Life Regeneration ability, which turns out to be an accidental Self-Spirit Skill!

Life Regeneration is a Self-Spirit Skill that is able to regenerate injured body parts, even amputees. This Self-Spirit Skill was obtained due to the combined effect of the Heart of Life and Life Affinity Physique.

Heart of Life is a Martial Spirit that has Extreme Life Attribute, so the Spirit Essence produced must have Extreme Life Attribute, or more commonly called Extreme Life Essence.

And because the Heart of Life is a Martial Spirit that reaches the Unity level, Meng Yan's entire body will always be filled with Extreme Life Essence.

And of course, this Extreme Life Essence was in sync with the Life Affinity Physique, which gave Meng Yan's body immense life energy, which even allowed her body to regenerate when injured!

Lin Fan was overjoyed when he saw his mother's full abilities, even if she was only a Support System Spirit Master, at least she wouldn't be easily defeated so quickly!

However, as a Support System Spirit Master, there must be a Spirit Master willing to protect her. An example is her Husband!

Lin Faozi's Spirit Bones were almost on par with Lin Fan's Spirit Body, capable of delivering bursts of Strength, Speed ​​and Defense.

To find a Spirit Ring that matched Spirit Bones was not difficult, but to find a unique one was extremely difficult.

Luckily Lin Fan found an item that perfectly matched his father's Spirit Bones, it was the Diamond Baboon Bone!

Actually, the Diamond Baboon Bone couldn't be turned into a Spirit Ring. However, because this bone has been turned into an undead, this bone has succeeded in becoming one of the Spirit Beast Souls.

This is like what happened in Douluo Dalu 3, where a bone can be used as a Spirit Ring for a Spirit Master!

The Diamond Baboon is the strongest Spirit Beast among the ape species, even this Spirit Beast is stronger than the Great Titan Ape!

In addition, the Diamond Baboon's ability is very great, they have Vajra Body which gives a burst of Strength, Speed, and Defense.

And they have an extremely terrifying ability, that is Enrage!

As the name suggests, Enrage is an ability that increases all physical abilities, even this ability depends on the anger emotion possessed. The more intense the anger, the greater the increase!

However, the Diamond Baboon didn't have the same high intelligence as the Great Titan Ape, which made these Spirit Beasts go extinct.

Yes, that's right, they were slaughtered because their abilities were too strong, making this species extremely rare to find!


Right now, Lin Fan was gathering all the Diamond Baboon bones. He could estimate that the height of this Diamond Baboon could reach two meters.

Because this Dimaond Baboon Bone comes from a Diamond Baboon that has reached the age of 10,000 years.

But unlike the Diamond Baboon Bone in general, this bone has its own Essence which makes it able to be used as a Spirit Beast Soul.

It's just that, even though it comes from a Diamond Baboon that reaches the age of 10,000 years, it doesn't mean the resulting Spirit Ring will become a Black Spirit Ring.

That was because the Diamond Baboon Bone was neither a Spirit Beast nor a Spirit Bone, as it did not possess the slightest cultivation.

It could be said, that the Diamond Baboon Bone was simply an Item made from the bones of a 10,000 year old Spirit Beast.

But at least this Bone could give a 10 year old Spirit Ring.

"Father. Are you ready?" said Lin Fan to his father.

Lin Faozi smiled and nodded his head, "Yes, I leave everything to you".

Hearing his father's words, Lin Fan immediately started the contract.


The Diamond Baboon Bone that had been collected earlier was directly connected to Lin Faozi's Spirit Bone by a kind of Essence.

Then all of Lin Faozi's bones gave off a diamond-like glow like the Diamond Baboon Bone, which then appeared a white Spirit Ring around his body.

After that, all of the Diamond Baboon's bones emitted light which then one by one fused into Lin Faozi's bone.


Suddenly, Lin Fan was startled by something, "eh? Isn't this..."

The Diamond Baboon's bones that were fused into Lin Faozi's bones had changed, all of which became a kind of Essence that Lin Fan was very familiar with!

"Aren't these all Spirit Bones?!" said a surprised Lin Fan.

That's right, all the Diamond Baboon Bones turned into Spirit Bones!


The Diamond Baboon's two leg bones had turned into Right Leg and Left Leg Spirit Bone!


The Diamond Baboon's two arm bones had turned into Right Arm and Left Arm Spirit Bone!


The Diamond Baboon's torso bone had become the Torso Spirit Bone!


The Diamond Baboon's skull bone had become the Skull Spirit Bone!


Lin Faozi's entire bones gave off a diamond-like glow, then his entire body appeared a diamond armor!

Lin Fan was very surprised by his Father's appearance, because he got all the Spirit Bone Sets, which can also perform Spirit Bone Fusion!

Keep in mind, the Diamond Baboon's body is almost 90% the same as a human's, of course all of its bones are the same.

And when all of the Diamond Baboon's bones were fused with Lin Faozi's Martial Spirit (Spirit Bones) by contract, all of those bones mutated and became Spirit Bone for him!

The Diamond Baboon's bones couldn't become Spirit Bones due to the lack of its most important Essence, but it was fulfilled when it fused with Lin Faozi's Martial Spirit.

And after all of them became Spirit Bone, since they all came from the same Spirit Beast, then all of those Spirit Bones could use Spirit Bone Fusion!

"This is... Diamond Raiment!" said a surprised Lin Fan.

That's right, Lin Faozi's Spirit Bone Fusion is called Diamond Raiment!



«Lin Faozhi»

• Age : 32 Years

• Gender : Male

• Spirit : Spirit Bones (Unity)

• Spirit Rank : 11 (Spirit Master)

• Spirit Ring : 1 White

• Spiritual Power : 100 (Spiritual Connection Realm)

• Physical Power: 21 (All-Rounder Type)

• Physical Constitution : None

• Spirit Bone : Diamond Skull Bone (10 Years), Diamond Torso Bone (10 Years), Diamond Right Arm Bone (10 Years), Diamond Left Arm Bone (10 Years), Diamond Right Leg Bone (10 Years), Diamond Left Leg Bone (10 Years)

• Spirit Beast Soul : Diamond Baboon's Bone (10 Years)



[Spirit Bones]

1. Diamond Power

• Spirit Beast : Diamond Baboon's Bone

• Spirit Ring : White

• Age : 10 Years



[Diamond Power]

The first Spirit Skill of Spirit Bones.

This Spirit Skill can increase Strength, Speed, and Defense by 100%.



[Diamond Raiment]

Spirit Bone Fusion from Diamond Baboon's Spirit Bone Set.

Able to increase Strength, Speed, and Defense to 100% (10 Years).

When using Diamond Raiment, Diamond Enrage can be used.



[Diamond Enrage]

Diamond Enrage is a Skill that increases all physical strength by 10 times.

But it requires a lot of Spirit Essence and Blood Essence to use it.



Do you know?

It's like the Golden Skeleton King's Martial Spirit.

Thank you for reading it.

Gherman_Sparrow13creators' thoughts