
What a drag.

The task was done, and finally, it was time to say goodnight. But before that, there was something else they had to say to their marvelous mentor.

"Umm, Uncle Joe?" Ayana gently taps on his wide shoulder from behind as he washes the remaining utensils.

"Yeah?" He answers back while continuing his work, but when silence prolongs, he gets the hint.

"Just give me a minute." He asks.

He washes his hands quickly and rubs them with the towel hanging on the hook at the corner. 

"Alright. What is it?" 

And finally turns around from the sink, but when he does the girls immediately bow down deep to him as a mark of great respect and gratitude for him.

"Thank you so much sir for teaching me how to bake perfectly despite your busy schedule," Millie says softly in her sweet voice followed by Ayana.
