
The newcomer

"Ma'am? Excuse me ma'am? We are closing the bar. You need to leave, please wake up!"

After multiple shots with that unknown man, she had blackened out without even realising it when. The worker staff were getting restless as Ayana was so deep asleep, that she wouldn't even budge from her seat.

On the other hand, their manager was getting angry at them for not closing the bar on time. Fortunately, one of the bartender, suggested to send that man whom he noticed was spending time with her earlier, and unfortunately, the rookie who has been trying to hide so far got caught in front of everybody. After hearing some scoldings from his seniors, he was immediately send to fetch that unknown man.

Meanwhile, they all prayed silently for him to return before their boss comes and cuts their salary into half.

Being on his first day at job, the rookie was so puzzled that he was dripping sweats everywhere he goes. He checked out every floor in the building and even went to parking lot hoping to somehow bring that man, but to his dismay, he couldn't find him anywhere.

With his shoulders shivering from fear, he walked limply forward and began to sort out the best way to deliver this news, when suddenly a group of men wearing black suits appeared in front of him. He immediately hid behind a pillar nearby and peeked from the corner of his eyes to look who these shady guys were.

It looked as if they were some mafia gang members marching towards the parking lot, but to his surprise a familiar blue coat struck his eyes. Upon more focusing, he realised it was the same man! He almost jumped from joy and marched outside carefully to not raise any suspicions.

"Umm, sir? There's actually something I wanted to talk about." He said hesitantly as he finally succeeded in grabbing their attention. The man was indeed the same one from bar, but this time he had too many bodyguards surrounding him as if he was some VIP.

His head was automatically bowed down from his great presence and his shirt was drenched in cold sweat. Even though the man was doing nothing but staring at him normally, the bartender still felt the necessity to be on his guard, unlike when they were in the bar.

"Everyone except this bartender. Leave. Sebastian, book a cab before you leave." Fortunate for the newcomer, the man finally spoke upon seeing his skinny body shiver and broke the deafening silence between them. His orders raised several questions with everyone's mind as they were given the responsibility for his safety after all, but nobody dared to utter a single word, except this one bodyguard who too was a newcomer in this squad.

"But sir, the orders sta- " however his appeal was instantly halted by an another young skinny man, who's name was Sebastian supposedly, gesturing him to stay low. It appears he was the head of them all as very soon everyone left the place, leaving the two in another brief silence.

"So, if I am correct, it's about her. Isn't it?" The man bluntly asked while adjusting his silver watch. The bartender glanced at him in surprise from the abrupt call but calmed his composure quickly.

"Yes sir. It appears she's deeply asleep and we really need to close the bar right now. If possible, can you please take your acquaintance along with you? It'll help us a lot." He emphasized on the later part.

But for some reasons, his words stucked in the man's mind and he said. "We...I am not her 'acquaintance'. I heard she has a friend who came along with her. Why don't you call her?"

"We could've, but apparently she left a long time ago and there's a passcode to Miss's phone. So we're out of choice now."

The bartender couldn't request any further, as he had already explained his reasons so far. 'Force any further and it'll break' he reminded himself.

"...fine. Bring her. the cab will be here anytime soon." The man said with a frustrated sigh and started scrolling on his phone. But the bartender only stood there in silence, looking for a way to speak out again.

The man could still feel his presence beside him, and tilted his head towards him with a sharp glare.

"What's now?" He said with a raised brow as if he was now getting irritated.

The bartender flinched and so wanted to runaway, but he couldn't as otherwise his subordinates will eat him alive. In the end, he responded with teary eyes as he couldn't pretend to be strong anymore. The pressure was too much to bear for a soft guy like him.

"Actually she's too heavy for us to carry her all the way here. So can you please come and wake her up instead, so that none of us have to carry her." He said with puppy eyes.

But despite the subconscious cute look on his face, the man still stared at him with a cold expression and responded nonchalantly.

"And what if she doesn't wake up even after that? Do you expect me to carry her?"

"..." The boy was speechless.

This time he literally broke into tears and bowed down from embarrassment "I.. We'll then contact the police for help." He managed to say, barely.

Seeing him sobbing like a soft baby, the man clicked his tongue from frustration and walked towards the building to get him away from his sight.

"Tch! Fine. Just stop crying and walk already."

"Y..Yes!" Hearing those golden words, he raised himself gleefully and thanked God for not getting fired on his very first day.

On the other side, everyone was trying their best to wake Ayana up but to no avail. It was as if someone knocked her down, like in movies, and now wasn't showing any signs of getting up. But in this case, it was getting rather misfortune for the workers since their manager was about to return anytime soon.

They all gave it a shot to lift her gently again, but surprisingly she was so strong and stubborn to remain sticked to her place, that she would easily remove their hands off her with a little frown. For them, the mission was like waking up a sleeping lioness and even though they openly discussed it aloud, a strange fear still lingered in their heart.

Since all their efforts had gone to vain now, they took the moment to relax when suddenly the creaking noise of door opening alerted their ears. They turned around hopefully to see the acquaintance who would take this sleeping monster away, but once again they were left in awe as they found themselves being stared by the manager with rage fuming in his eyes. It was the worst timing possible they could ever had.

The old man marched in angrily and began shouting while banging the counter near Ayana's head. He scolded every single of them and was about to declare their reduction in salary, when shortly another knock interrupted his speech.

The workers shared a wide-eyed glance as they were experiencing one surprise after the another.

"WHO IS IT?!" The manager yelled, but cat got his tongue instantly upon seeing an anonymous figure standing at their doorsteps along with the rookie worker.

Everyone was shocked upon seeing Manager freeze on his place and shared a few whisper from confusion.

"I think you know who I am, Mr. Patterson. It appears my...acquaintance has been causing some trouble to your business. Please allow me a few minutes, and we'll leave this place at once." The man said as he slowly approached towards them with his hands in the pocket.

"No! not at all Mr. Park! This bar is all yours! I didn't knew she was your acquaintance, if you would've told me this earlier, we could've provided you our best service!" The sudden change in tone of the manager made everyone amazed with disgust.

To think, he was banging counter right next to her ears just a few seconds ago, and now suddenly addressing her with respect, made everyone realise the true nature of their boss.

However, the visitor wasn't interested in his blabbering and was rather focused on the awkward position Ayana was sleeping in. He could tell she was gonna feel strong pain in her neck for the next couple of days. She was in such an uncomfortable position, yet there wasn't a single strain on her face. Rather, it looked more relaxed than his own.

A small frown bulged on his forehead as he looked at his surroundings and finally raised his command in a deep authoritative tone.

"I need some private space. I want you all to stand outside with door slightly open."

His frigid voice made everyone leave this place at once and the man finally got some time to rest in this beautiful silence.

I have been wondering, what do you guys do when one of your friend gets blackened out from alcohol and nobody knows what's the address. Share your familiar experience in comment section and let's enjoy some funny stories with each other UwU

Sneakycat098creators' thoughts