
chapter 36


Blaster fire rang out in one of the streets on Tatooine. Any civilians that were originally outside had ran off once the first shots of the fighting has started. The last thing some of them seen was two lightsabers activating as the users protected themselves.

Obi-wan and Waneta were currently fighting for their life. All of the hostiles shooting at them were scattered everywhere, so blaster bolts were coming at them in almost every direction.

"Enough of this!" Waneta shouts as she makes the decision to send the blaster bolts back at them.

Sending some of them back she makes sure the hits on them aren't fatal because she knew she was going to be be working with them later. They didn't know that, but someone hidden in the group did.

On top of the many buildings a Twi'lek aims a rocket launcher at the two. Waneta gets a glimpse of the figure before warning Obi-wan.

"One of them has a rocket launcher!" Waneta shouts as a cloud of smoke envelopes the figure as a rocket speeds it's way towards them.

Obi-wan using the little time he has, uses the force to move it, but is to late to push completely away from them as it hits the ground a few feet from them.

The blast push the two in two different directions as shrapnel flies everywhere. Waneta quickly reacts by using the force to push back some of the shrapnel, but some fragments gets past her as it hits her. A stream of blood makes it's way down her arms and legs, but she ignores the pain as a group of hostiles makes it's way towards her.

After running off for a bit she stops as those that were running after her stop a few feet from her. She was away from prying eyes and now she could do whatever she wanted without getting any consequences from it.

The five Twi'leks that ran after her eyes her cautious of any attacks she might do.

"You are severely wounded." One of them says as he sees the amount of blood dripping off of her.

"Surrender now and we will treat you accordingly. Your master won't be able to save you now." He says as they aim their blasters at her.

"You should have ran after Kenobi. Because unlike him. I will make sure you die."

Waneta slowly turns around but a change had happened to her. She didn't look like the Jedi that all disliked the idea of needless killing. Her face showed the complete opposite and all the blood on her didn't make it any better.

The most obvious change though was that the left side of her eye had changed color. Instead of it's usual red. It was yellow while the right side had stayed it's greyish color.

Side note: she will never be completely on the dark side or completely on the light side. If you didn't know she has two eye colors her left side is originally red while the other is greyish which is why one eye color changed. If your forgot what she looks like her picture is at the end of chapter 23

The looks she gives them comes as a surprise to them since they never thought a Jedi would make that face. The look she give is all they need to know of what her decision will be. Without hesitation they immediately fire at her as she effortlessly block every one of their shots as she walks closer to them.

Using the force she pulls two of them into her lightsabers as they slowly die unable to scream from the pain. The three others back up in fear as they stop firing at her because of their shock of their friends deaths.

Waneta using this small delay from them she quickly pulls her weapons out of her dead enemies before jumping high up in the air. As she comes down she puts both of her lightsabers down the neck of one of them before using the force to choke one that was near slamming him into a wall.

The last one tries to run off but Waneta levitates one of her weapons and throws it in his chest as arches back in pain before falling flat on his face.

Retrieving her lightsabers she slowly walks to the last Twi'lek that was struggling to breath as he was pinned on a wall.

"If you had actual weapons you could have stood a chance. It's more difficult to kill someone when you can't block or see the attack." She says before dropping the Twi'lek as he coughs trying to regain his breathing.

"Yo...your not a Jedi are you? Your a monster." The Twi'lek man says as he backs up on the wall in fear.

Waneta only laughs before smiling down at him. "That's exactly how I expected to be viewed as. Your fear is what makes it easier for me to kill you all. And now my face will be the last thing you will see." She says as she gets ready to strike him down.

"Wait! Wait!"


His detached head rolls away as Waneta starts to walk off again as her left eye slowly turns back to it's original color.

While walking she spots the other padawan as he quickly ran carrying his master's lightsaber in one of his hands. A little blood can be seen scattered around his robe presumably his master's.

Seeing this Waneta smiles and starts her plan to betray the republic.

With Obi-wan

It's been a few minutes since he was separated from his padawan and he had been trying to call her ever since. She never picked up and didn't know wether the explosion messed up her communications or if she was wounded severely which was why she didn't respond back. All he knew was that his padawan could be in danger and he was going to have to find her fast.

He had lost the few enemies that were after him and was now heading towards Anakin hoping Waneta was also doing the same if she could.

Finally meeting up with Anakin and Ashoka they could both tell he was not having a good time.

"What happened to you. A few pirates or criminals would never be able to do something like this." Anakin say to Obi-wan.

"We were ambushed. It's very likely they are working with the terrans." Obi-wan says.

"Wait. Where's Waneta. She's not with you." Ashoka says with wide eyes.

"No. The both of us got separated during the fighting." Obi-wan says

"Well we have to go and find her. She might not have much time." Ashoka says ready to go.

"We will Ashoka. But we can't rush this. We don't know what they have waiting for us." Anakin says stopping Ashoka.

"If that was me out there, you would have done the same thing master. What if she's and she hurt and ca-"

"I'm right here Ashoka." A voice says interrupting Ashoka.

Turning around Ashoka's eyes widen at the dried up blood on waneta. It wasn't as much as before, but it was enough to see that she was hurt pretty bad.

"Waneta! Your hurt. We have to patch yo-" walking forward to help her only for her to aggressively interrupt her.

"I'm fine Ashoka. But I wouldn't say the same for the Jedi knight and his padawan." Waneta says holding two padawan braids in her hand.

"It was fun while it lasted Kenobi, but now it's time to fix this mess that you all have made." She says activating both of her lightsabers putting them in a reverse grip.

Obi-wan eyes widen finally figuring out what Waneta was.

"Your a spy? Aren't you?" Obi-wan says sadly. Not only that but her calling him Kenobi instead of master like she had always done had affected him more than he thought.

The girl he trained and fought with was no where in those cold eyes.

"No. No that's not true! Waneta please tell me this isn't true." Ashoka says not being able to believe this. But her world shatters after hearing the next words from Waneta.

"You all are fools. Everything we did together was only to gain your trust and get valuable information. Now I see no point in be by your side as the republic slowly crumbles." Waneta says coldly.

Ashoka's eyes widen in shock. Everything they had did together meant nothing to her and Ashoka wasn't ready to fight her. Tears was starting to form in her eyes as her betrayal affected her the most out of the three.

"Tell me. Just how do you think this war will end? With the republic up on top bringing peace to the galaxy like you all say? I don't think so."

"The terrans is not doing any better as well. How is invading other planets going to bring peace." Anakin says.

"Than how can you be called a republic if you allow slavery to exist, discrimination, starvation, and much more to happen all while you ignore their cries for help." Waneta rebuttals.

"I would hope you would understand that Skywalker. You and your mother were once slaves and I'm sure life was hard for her once you left. Well used to have a mother." Waneta says putting a hand to her mouth smiling.

Anakin narrows his eyes at her activating his lightsaber. Knowing what she is trying to do Obi-wan walks up to her trying to appease her.

"Waneta you don't have to do this. The Jedi are your family. You were like a daughter to me." Obi-wan says desperately.

Hearing this only causes Waneta eyes to narrow at him.

"The Jedi...The Jedi were never my family to begin with. At first I seen them as friends, but that was wiped out the moment they attacked Zeridian my home planet. I'll make sure you and the separatist pay for bringing us in this war!" Waneta shouts.

"I never wanted this Kenobi. But if I have to kill you. I'll do it in a heartbeat." Waneta says as Obi-wan also takes his lightsaber out.

"Then I am sorry Waneta. I can't let you get away with this." Obi-wan says knowing he will have to fight his padawan.

"Then you all will die." She says as her left eye starts to flicker turning yellow.
