
Chapter 92 Three Years(1)

Age 753.

At the capsule corporations.

After goku defeated piccolo the world was finally at peace. But not everyone shares the same opinion about peace.

"I am extremely bored," White said.

"Well, you could join the boys during their training with korin," bulma told White.

"I am not joining them," he said.

Normally if he found out that someone is training under a martial art master he would be happy to learn something that he didn't know yet but he knows that he was already stronger than korin and there is nothing for him to learn from kami.

"Well. I know a place where you might be interested in" bulma said.

"Where?" he asked.

"I know someone that could help you meet stronger people. Let me make a call to him first" she said as she started dialling numbers on her phone.

"Oh hey, Jaco. What? Who are you telling me to call later? Anyway, are you free? Ummmm. I see. Is there any other way? Ah. Got it. Yeah. See you soon" bulma said as she hung up the phone.

"We are going to space." bulma said.

"We?" white asked.

"What. Are you not coming with me?" bulma asked.

"Where are we going exactly?" white asked.

"To the galactic patrol," she answered.

"Galactic patrol? "

"Well, what are you waiting for we are going to Omori's island to get a spaceship from my sister." bulma said.

"Arent you genius? Don't you have a spaceship lying around?" White asked.

"Well my father made one but Jaco said that normal spaceships probably take thousands of years to reach the nearest planet so that is totally out of question. I am not spending my entire life in space," she said.

"Fine. Then let's go" White said.

"Arent you going to pack your stuff?" bulma asked him.

"No. This is all I need. " he replied.

"Eww. There Is no way I am not travelling with someone who does not have a change of clothes " bulma said.

"Fine. Fine I will go and get some clothes " white said as he went towards the room he was staying in.

"That's more like it," bulma said.

"Oh. Where are you going?" Dr brief arrived while eating a bowl of cereal.

"You walk around eating that?" Bulma told her father. She didn't like the fact that her father was a renowned scientist and a president of a large corporation was carrying a bowl of cereal around and eating it.

"Why do you want some?" he asked.

"Nooo. Dad, have you seen my capsule case?" she asked.

"Yeah. I think I see it in my lab. Be careful not to get the wrong case like the last time" he told bulma.
