
Chapter 84 No.29

"Piccolo is back on Tv," oolong said.

"I need to make an announcement. To clarify my new rule There is a new rule that I am going to put on you. Do you know how many regions are in the world? 43 to be exact. As you see I have a box with 43 different numbers. Today is May 9. As a celebration of my regime every May 9th I will pick a number. The number corresponds to a region which I will destroy on the spot. Don't worry you don't have to suffer. In the blink of an eye, everything will be over. Even the luckiest of you will only have 43 years to live isn't that fun. If you have any objections come and see me. I will personally solve your problem." piccolo said.

"Alright time for my first draw," he said as he reaches out to the box.

"Hmm. Number 29

The Western capital. Hurry up and escape if you can. You don't have much time" piccolo said as he smiled and showed the number.


"That's where my parents live," bulma said.

"Tien Shinhan," she said as she reaches out for the phone in a hurry.

"Do it Now. Use the mafuba and save my parents. If you die we will bring you back with the dragon balls." bulma said.

"Alright, I know what to do. But forget about the dragon balls. They are gone. Piccolo killed shenlon." Tien said.

"Shenlon?" "dead"

Bulma and Yamcha are surprised.

"Oh my god. It's the end of the world. We are screwed. Tien is our only hope." oolong said.

"I am going. I can't just stand here" Yamcha got up.

"Good grief. It's always going to be like this" white said as he also got up.

At the west city.

"Piccolo," Tien said.

"I have come to oppose you prepare to die" Tien yelled out.

"Another idiot. A small distraction. Very well then I can use you as an example to drive stupid people like you" piccolo said in full confidence as he have already won the battle.

"I am here come and see me" piccolo challenges Tien.

"Don't worry I got a present for you," Tien said as he pulled out the pot but then he noticed that the pot was cracked.

His only hope of survival was now totally gone. But he is not going to stop here as won't back down to an enemy like him. It's either do or die.

"I don't need Mafuba to defeat the like of you," Tien said as he took his battle pose.

"Mafuba. So you are an expert in martial arts. Another reason why you should die" piccolo said.

"I should not have to tire myself out for the like of you. I will show you my new warrior." piccolo said as he spits out another egg.

A new demon was hatched from the egg.

"Your name is drum. Now show him your power and kill him" piccolo said to the newly hatched demon.

Tien attacked the demon offspring but he was too fast and too strong for him.

Unlike his first and second demons, this was created after he was at his full power so this one is even stronger than the two of them combined.

The demon has a big body which makes it harder to strike his weak spots and unlike his size, he was amazingly fast. As he was able to overwhelm Tien in both strength and speed.

After exchanging a few blows Tien was finally knocked down as the demon stood victorious.

"Still alive. Crush his heart" piccolo said.

"Okay." the demon approached Tien but then suddenly goku arrived he knocked the demon away with his strength.
