

Humor aside, this was probably the most exhausting duel I had been on.

Leaping to the side to avoid a direct attack from the half-human Spawn, I had to dodge back to evade another attempt from the four-pawed one.

"Two against one," I mumbled. "Tch!"

[They're not undefeatable]

"I know," I huffed, raising the sword to defend myself from the blow and pushing with all my might to get out of the way before the other could try pouncing on me again.

"Still, it would have made it easier if I also had some help."


[Tch, you faced those thieves on your own. These monsters are no different]

"Oh?" I smirked, slashing the air and sending waves of flames to the enemy monsters. They both easily evaded it. "But you know, they were plain mortals. These two are on a different level."


"So, uh, any words of encouragement?"

[Don't die]


[What? I'm not an embodiment of hope]
