
Chapter 547 Mother Figure

"Did you just tell me that Victor formed the Mechanicum?"

"That is correct, master."

"But… then why do you want to destroy him?"

"Victor's goal was to brainwash every human being on this world, making them no difference than obedient A.I. The counsel decided that his goal was heretical and decided to fight against him."

"Wow… and despite that you still need to hide under his rule. It really showed how powerful he was back then."

"Yet, you manage to destroy him, master."

"Yeah, I guess I am just that good." Tom laughed.

"Anyway, I don't think we can find anyone as genius as Victor ever again. He was just a normal human and yet manage to build a nation as powerful as the strongest kingdom in the continent."

"Perhaps, master, but you never know the limit of the human brain. They are extremely rare, but the probability is never zero."

"That kind of scares me… but if we do ever find someone like that, let's hope he or she doesn't want to brainwash every living thing they see."
