
Chapter 510 Aldred's Son

Duke Hushum entered the throne room with Ruhnan Noku.

Aldred sat on his throne with Corduul standing beside him. Duke Hushum frowned when he saw the weirdly tall metallic person slightly covered in red robe. The man was around 2-3 meter tall, looking thin and fragile despite being made out of metal.

But that was not weird. There were a lot of weird magicians with weird forms. Most of them in the shape of demons, animals, demonic beast, and even undead. Though Duke Hushum had never seen one like the metallic man before, he wasn't weirded out by his appearance.

Rather, it was the way that the metallic man did not exude any energy at all. Just like the metallic golems that he saw earlier. None of them had a tinge of mana, and yet, they had devastating firepower.
