
Chapter 126 Water Shield [Bonus chapter]

Aldred walked up to the spiraling stairs along with the others following him from behind. The adventurers that survived the onslaught also walked up the stairs. The vikings survived thanks to their powerful dragon armor.

And he noticed the larger viking who seemed to be the leader was staring at him again. Seriously, what was his problem?

Aldred reached the top of the stairs, and stepped into another platform. The place was still inside a cave; dark and gloomy. He lit up the place with flames for light and ahead of him was another black gate.

"Another gate." Aldred sighed. "Aren't they tired of making these gates?"

Aldred raised his staff, morphed into a gigantic golden hammer and slammed it at the gate with full force. The impact blasted wind and dust in every direction, forcing everyone to protect their eyes.

And yet the gate lay undamaged.

"It's one those unbreakable gate again." Aldred morphed his stick to normal.
