
Chapter 54 Gold Rank Milet

The two groups; Pressure Platoon II and Red Rose Platoon galloped side by side on the grassy field. Not long after, they saw another camp. Just like earlier, the infantry unit came out in phalanx formation, but this time they were more prepared as a storm of arrows came from above.

"Men, give your spare shields to the ladies," Bartrem said.

They all raised their shields, but Aldred did his best to deflect all the arrows with his fire bullets. Fire bullets were currently the fastest spell he could activate. Like a submachine gun, bullets after bullets came out of Aldred's finger, deflecting dozens of arrows in less than a second. Though there were arrows that still hit the shields, they did not penetrate through.

Aldred counter-attacked with fire javelins that immediately shut their arrows as they were too busy hiding under their cover. Bartrem and Mareona easily ran through them and destroyed their camps.
