
I'll Listen to You, Daddy

Another door opened, and Megan cheered loudly upon seeing the huge room that was filled with things that a little girl would like. There was even a miniature version of the mansion that she could use as a dollhouse. The shelves were lined with dolls with frilly dresses and voluminous hairs of either blonde, brown, or black. The ones around the bed were stuffed toys.

The little girl's room was also adorned in a bright pink and white color. Even at nighttime, the place might not even look dark, letting the girl sleep without being afraid of the dark. However, there was still a teddy-bear night lamp on her nightstand.

"Daddy! It's huge!" Megan ran around, squealing in excitement. She was so used to their one-bedroom apartment that having a big room like this made her happy. Then, she stayed stationary and looked around before jumping up and down again. "Daddy! Daddy! It's like a doll shop!"

"Wow! Megan, look!" Adrian was more intrigued by the dollhouse and removed the roof and a wall to see what was inside. "Daddy! It's like the house!"

Megan ran to her brother and took a look. She bent down and wondered if she could recognize any place in the dollhouse. She then giggled and jumped up and down. That was when she spun around and spotted a doll that took her attention the most. It had long dark hair with peach lips. The doll was wearing a blue ball gown.

She then pursed her lips. Next to her stood Adrian, who noticed the same doll. At that, even Darius took a look at the doll in blue. It didn't seem to be different from anything else, but it was facing the door and the bed. For some reason, he was getting a strange feel about it.

"…hm, don't be too anxious. You can think of it as a baby monitor." Nicholai chuckled as they spotted the blue doll that shouldn't have stood out for anything.

"There's a surveillance camera inside the doll?" Darius glanced at the uncle.

"There is. I'm not always here, and some Omegas might have ideas. Leaving a little girl on her own doesn't sit well with me. I have to take precautions." Nicholai didn't hide things from the supposed owner. "Should I have it removed?"

Megan took a look at them and tilted her head to the side. "On my own? But I have Adrian."

The uncle smiled. "I prepared separate rooms for him and for Dylan. Would you rather room with them instead? I can still redo everything."

However, Megan shook her head. She then jumped up and down. "Let's see Adrian's room! I want to see Adrian's room! If baddie comes, I run to Adrian!"

"Very well." Nicholai stepped back to retreat from the room. He waited for Megan and Adrian to run past him before he started walking.

As for Darius, he was still looking around the room. Even if there was a camera taking a look at the entirety of space, there was a paper screen where Megan could change behind from. Also, the doll-shop room was even filled with the kinds of dolls that Megan was attracted to. There were a number of styles in the market, but the only variety here were the ones she would point at.

"He's been keeping track of us for years…" Darius could tell.

This room had already been here since the mansion was built. It was as if Nicholai was only waiting for a chance to swoop in and take them off of his hands, for a chance where Darius would make a mistake that would land the kids in someone else's custody.

It's just that… from the way Nicholai talked to him, the guy didn't sound like he wanted Darius to fail in protecting the children. If anything, he didn't want to get rid of the father figure at all. Could it be that Nicholai was waiting for a chance to have Darius rely on his help instead?

"Daddy!" Megan's voice came from the door, and Darius hurriedly came to find her. She pouted. "Daddy, why are you walking so slow? Are you sleepy?"

"A little." Darius ended up carrying the girl to appease her. The group had stopped at the next room only, so it was easy for Megan to backtrack. When he entered, he saw a typical boy's room with lots of toy cars and plastic weapons.

Unlike with Megan's room, Nicholai didn't seem to know what Adrian might fancy. Even if he would gladly play with these, he was more interested in making sure Megan was happy and safe and that Dylan was out of trouble. Material things barely interested this little boy.

Nicholai hummed as he watched Adrian look around in silence. The boy had a satisfied smile, but he wasn't really into the room. The uncle then asked, "Adrian, have you ridden a bike before? I can order one for you if you like."

"…" Adrian didn't say anything, but he only looked at Nicholai.



Darius only chuckled before rubbing Adrian's head. "Sorry, Adrian. How about this? Let's go take a look at those things, so you can choose which one you like."

Adrian only nodded at his father before pouting in Nicholai's direction. "I don't know what a bike is, Uncle. Can I see one? I want to try."

No wonder he wasn't answering. Nicholai chuckled. "No problem. I'll just get one each, so you can play with what you like instead. Hm, maybe Megan would like a bike, too, so she could ride with her brother. Dylan, too. I should have been more prepared."

"…don't think about it too much. They're not snotty rich kids." Darius pouted a little, knowing that it was his fault that these kids were not familiar with common toys.

"I'll listen to you about this, then, Darius."

Megan then frowned her little brows. Her arms waved around. "No, it's Daddy! You're saying it wrong! His name is Daddy."

Darius's eyes then shot wide open. "No, Megan—"

"My apologies…" Nicholai giggled behind a hand. "Yes, I shall listen to you, Daddy."

"I will gut you for this—!" Darius hissed at Nicholai before whining to his daughter. "Megan, no, my name for other people is Darius. I'm your dad, so only you guys should call me Daddy. I have many names, and Daddy is the most special. Only you three can call me that."

"I will have many names, too?" Megan gasped and waved her arms in excitement. At Darius's forced smiling, she then cheered. "I will have many names, too!"

Adrian ended up pulling on the edge of Nicholai's shirt. His big round eyes stared up at the tall man's face, the man curious at the strange glitter in them. "Uncle… can I be called 'Master,' too?"
