
[R-18] Night Closed

Konosuba Love Circle: My Blessing's On This Wonderful World!


Loving Chapter #24. [R-18] Night Closed. Ft. Kazuma, Aqua And Megumin.


It's currently night at the stables, the place Kazuma and Aqua are currently staying in.

Aqua is fast asleep.

Kazuma with his pants down, measuring his own dick. While the original Kazuma is a neet, this Kazuma has learned advanced Math, the only mathematics that's important at this situation.

"5cm to 10cm… Is that the average male penis size? Momma said each country has a different kind of man, and I guess she means this."

Kazuma finishes up his measurements as he's about to wear his pants again- until something ticks inside his head.

He looks at Aqua, who is in a deep slumber. She looks really cute when she's asleep…and vulnerable…

Kazuma looks around before he kneels down to Aqua and slowly gets closer.

"Hey Aqua, you awake?"

He got nothing but sleepy mumblings. The average male reaction to this situation would be that Kazuma's erection is getting harder.

Kazuma gently shakes her.

Did she drink a lot of alcohol again?

"Oh you got yourself drunk. Like always."

Kazuma grabs Aqua's buttcheek as he squeezes it.

He chuckles a little.

"If I'm going to be honest, I've never touched a woman's ass without getting slapped in the face. Oh how wrong I was when I think men can only be slapped in the face by a woman…"




"...crap, what do I do now? I only know how to do it as a woman, not as a man…"

He rubs his chin, as he takes another glance at Aqua's ass.

Aqua is mumbling in her sleep, but Kazuma doubts she's awake.

"Screw it, I'm fucking horny. Lead me, sex gods!"

He pulls the blanket off her and he opens her legs up, he's drooling a little bit, as it's his first time doing this with a woman, especially if she's a goddess.

Kazuma sends his prayers first.

"Momma, I'm about to become a woman, man! Or in other words, she'll no longer be a virgin!"

Now that he's done with that. He can finally violate Aqua. To his will…

Kazuma first takes her pajamas off and he puts them to the side.


Kazuma now sees Aqua's exposed body.

It's better than he imagined.

Aqua yawns and closes her legs to find a comfortable spot to sleep.

A decent person would've stopped because the person just moved and they don't wanna continue if the person has a high chance of being awake.

Fuck that.

Kazuma forces Aqua's legs to open up. A bit too much force as his lust is taking over.

"Open up, you useless drunky."

Kazuma keeps Aqua's legs separate from each other as he takes a closer look at her pussy.

"A vagina that's not mine… Eheh… It looks really delicious~ I bet it's going to taste better than the fleshlights."

Kazuma touches Aqua's clit and he gently moves it around to see what Aqua's reaction is.

She's starting to blush, she definitely feels this.

"You kept thinking I do it with little girls. Despite me saying I buy fleshlights to alleviate my lust." Kazuma says as he inserts two fingers inside Aqua's vagina without no hesitation, Aqua twitches a little from that.

He moves his face closer to her pussy as he gives her a lick.

It doesn't taste bad.

"It tastes the same as my own pussy juice, but hey, I don't care."

He wonders what he's going to do if this was Megumin.

Kazuma continues to lick Aqua's pussy, but mainly her clitoris. Aqua can't help but give involuntary moans in her sleep. He has learned that he needs to play with the most sensitive part of a woman. Trust me, he knows.

Kazuma feels himself getting harder and harder, his dong dangling down.

"Welp Aqua, remember the other day I wanted a blowjob?"

Aqua's blushing, and starting to sweat a little. He doesn't know if she's acting to be asleep or she really is asleep.

He sits in a comfortable position as he grabs Aqua's head and makes her kiss his rod.

"I wish I had my vagina. But this will do." Kazuma says as he continues to gently slap his rod on Aqua's face.

Kazuma's dick is hard as a rock already, he wonders if it's like getting hit by a real rock in the face.





Aqua yawns as she opens her eyes.

"Huh…? What is…"

She looks at…a woman? Her eyes are covered by the shadows.

Aqua sits up and looks at Kazuma. "Am I dreaming or something…? Who are you? You look… similar…"

Kazuma was frozen in place, but he's more horny than worried about what Aqua will do next.

"I'm Kazuma?"

"Kazuma…? Hell no. You're too hot to be Kazuma. And if I remember right, Kazuma's not blonde, and he's not a woman."

Kazuma hearing that made his spine tingle a little.

"W-wait, y-you see who I am??"

"You were doing something naughty, weren't you…?" Aqua asks, giggling. She's still drunk.

"..." Kazuma stands up and shows his hard rock rod in front of Aqua's eyes.

"So… what do you think of my pussy?" He smirks. "Is it hot?"

Aqua thinks as he looks at Kazuma's dick. "It's hairy, smelly, and it has touched little girls." Aqua looks at Kazuma's eyes. "You pedo neet."

In anger, Kazuma grabs Aqua's head which makes her wide awake, vision cleared. Now she knows it's Kazuma.

"You think my cunt has touched anyone before?? Well how about you taste it, goddess!?"





Somewhere in Axel.




Megumin is walking to the barn where Kazuma and Aqua currently stay and sleep in.

She wonders what they're doing in a barn if they have a stable income.

"Hope they're still awake." Megumin arrived at the barn. She decides to approach the door but she sees some people outside the barn, sticking their heads to the wall.

"Is something happening?" She asks herself.

She arrives at the door and slowly opens it.

"Kazuma? Aqua? Are you two inside here?"

Kazuma stops pounding Aqua's mouth and he looks to where he heard… Megumin…?



Megumin walks in as she closes the gate behind her and walks in.

"OH SHIIIIIT. SHE'S WALKING IN. WHAT DO I DO?? WHAT DO I DO???" Kazuma panics as he looks around in a frenzy.

Megumin looks at every stable to see if they're there.

Megumin is a little bit nervous.

She then finally saw… a blanket? It's a blanket on its own.

Megumin looks around.

"Kazuma? Aqua?"

Kazuma and Aqua are now on the other side thanks to his lurk. He doesn't know how he did it. But he did it regardless.

Aqua whispers to him.

"K-kazuma…! w-was that m-m-megumin…?"

Kazuma tries to silence her as he whispers back.

"Shut up, Aqua…! Or we'll get caught…!"

Megumin decides to sit on the blanket, and decides to just sit there. "I guess they went somewhere. I'll wait right here, since I've got nothing else to do."

Megumin starts to hum and looks around.

She noticed a bump under the blanket.

Curious as she is.

She pulls the blanket only to see blue pajamas, and Kazuma's…

Megumin blushed a bit as she looked around.

"K-Kazuma…? Aqua…? I-I hope I'm not disturbing anything… Uh… I just came here to talk with the both of you but… it appears that you two are busy with… something. D-don't mind me! I'm just going to quietly wait. Okay? Okay. H-have fun.? I guess." Megumin wonders if they're even inside the barn right now.






Aqua and Kazuma don't hear Megumin anymore.

But she'll hear them if they do something.

Kazuma's Subtitles:

"Oi. Aqua!"

Aqua's Subtitles:

"? What?"

Kazuma's Sub:

"If you think Megumin is going to stop me, you're already wrong."

Aqua's Sub:

"What?? Are you serious?? Can't we just wait for her to leave?"

Kazuma's Subs:

"There's no way I'm letting my dick wait that long, Aqua-

The camera turned to Megumin.

"It wants to get sucked, so get to it! If you don't want me to slap your goddamn ass!"

Aqua's Subs:

"N-no! Not my ass again! You really are cruel, Kazuma!"

Megumin can see the subtitles clearly since the camera is at her, or just the screen. Who knows.

"What are these reverse words? Am I going insane??" Megumin holds her head.

Aqua, angry and still dripping wet.

She continued where Kazuma left off.

Aqua's Subs:

"You owe me one, Kazuma! I-I'm only doing this so we can get this over with!"

Kazuma just rolls his eyes.






Megumin has already fallen asleep by the quiet night.

It's been quiet for too long that she just fell asleep.

Not until…

Aqua screamed.

"AHHH! K-kazuma!! I-It hurts! Don't twist it!"

Megumin quickly woke up and looked around on where it came from.

"J-just stay still you bitch! You were the one that told me you're going to show me what a goddess can do! And keep quiet! Megumin is already asleep!"


Megumin quickly closes her eyes and leans on the wall.

Kazuma takes a peak on the other side and sees Megumin is still asleep. He sighs in relief as he goes back to Aqua.

"Alright, Megumin's still asleep. Ugh. I was saving my virginity for her, but you have to come in and be hot, do you?"

"J-just…! Do what you have to do…" Aqua says quietly.

"Hmm.. actually, you know what. I want you to ask for it."

"H-hu?? What??"

"You heard me, Aqua. I mean, I can just walk away right now and go back to sleep and-

"H-hey! Don't leave me hanging! After all this, you're just going to go back to bed??"

"Then you know what to do."

Even though Megumin is hearing all this, She's kind of embarrassed.

She doesn't mind Aqua's crying at all or their loud screams. It can be like an ASMR.

"I hate you…" Aqua sighs.

"K-kazuma. Can you like… do it or.. whatever?... Ugh this is the worst day of my life! Once my followers know this, I'll be ruined for the rest of my life!"

"You know what, Aqua… That's good enough."

He pulls out only to slap it hard on Aqua's again.

"Y-AH-! K-azuma! W-what the hell was that for?!"

Kazuma whispers to her.

"I don't give a damn about your religion. You're mine now, Aqua." He grins

"W-wait- Wha- HYAH!~"

Megumin starts to hear moans from Aqua, they're hesitant at first but soon, it turns to pleasure.

Megumin wonders if they're still concerned about her waking up, or if they just forgot.

Megumin wonders what Darkness is doing right now.

She's missing out a lot.

Megumin keeps hearing Aqua moaning to Kazuma to fuck her more while Kazuma is grunting so hard, that he's like fucking plastic pipe.

"Sacrificing something, for good…" Megumin whispers to herself. This party is weird as hell, but it's the one that she got accepted in. Hopefully she doesn't come in the way of the fierce Kazuma…

Later Megumin woke up to the voice of Aqua finally climaxing which Megumin forgot they were doing and all that she can hear now are pants.

"A-aqua… I-I'm….. I'm not taking responsibility."

"I-I can… *pant* guess that… Kazuma… but don't worry, I can purify myself, so I can't get pregnant with your stupid offspring..."

"W-wait… is Megumin awake??"

Megumin quickly closes her eyes as Kazuma takes a look at Megumin again.

"Strange. She's still sleeping after all this time."




"Huh, after all that she's still silent?"

"S-she's probably awake, and she's just pretending she's asleep."

Aqua looks at Megumin.

"Do you think there's a chance she's been… you know… playing with herself…?"

"That's my line!" Kazuma said. "But I doubt it, you slutty goddess."

Aqua just shrugs.

"B-but hey! If you wanna do it again

I-I don't mind."

"You know what. Fuck it. Let's do it again."

Then they proceed to do so for about… 5 more times until eventually Kazuma can't take it anymore.


Megumin: Konosuba: Love Circle. Oh boy…
