
Read And Keep Up (Ch.10)

~A Year Ago, Chantria's life before transmigration~

Chantria awakened to the sound of silent sobs and she groaned quietly, exhaustion tugging at her muscles.

Chantria had come in late from her side jobs and so she was completely exhausted, she reached for her phone and checked the time.

Chantria groaned again, it was 2am, she had barely gotten two hours of sleep.

Chantria tossed her phone aside and glanced over at the entrance to the adjacent room where the sobbing sound was coming from.

For someone to be up and sobbing at such a late hour, it could have only been Mira and Chantria frowned in concern.

Chantria pushed aside her covers and stepped down from her bed, she headed to the wall and put on the lights before she made to step out of her room,

However Chantria stopped on second thought and headed back to her desk, grabbing her car keys just in case she needed to drive out on short notice and teach someone a lesson.

If there was one thing Chantria knew of Mira Keller, it was the fact that there was just one thing that could make her sob at night like some fragile damsel, or rather one person...Ian.

"Heavens help me, if that bastard has done anything stupid again, his nose will not be the only thing I break this time!" Chantria vowed,

Chantria's gaze narrowed fiercely as she stormed towards Mira's room, putting on the lights the moment she stepped in.

"Mira, honey...are you alright?" Chantria called out to the sobbing girl huddled at an edge of her bed.

"Channy...?" Mira asked, her gaze lifting up to meet Chantria's.

Chantria felt her heart flare up in rage as she took in the swollen eyes and runny nose of her best friend.

"Oh... I'm so gonna kill that bastard!" Chantria growled out fiercely as she hurried to Mira's side, pulling her into a soothing hug.

"Shhh... it's fine love, I'm here. Tell me, did Ian hurt you? Can I kill him? I'd hide the body somewhere no one will ever find it." Chantria promised, smirking when a sobbing Mira broke into giggles.

"Like you could even hurt a fly." Mira said in amusement as she pulled away and wiped her eyes, heaving a sorrowful sigh.

"It wasn't Ian, he's been a darling since you broke his nose and then fixed it for him." Mira said with a fond smile at the memory.

"You're up at 2am sobbing and it's not Ian? Well... that's a first." Chantria commented in surprise, she kicked off her slippers and made herself comfortable on Mira's bed.

"So tell me... who's nose am I breaking this time?" Chantria asked eagerly, winking playfully when Mira passed her an exasperated look.

"You wouldn't understand, Channy." Mira replied, heaving another sorrowful sigh.

"Try me... I'm already awake and all." Chantria said with a shrug.

"Well... Saint Chantria got killed off!" Mira sobbed out pitifully,

Chantria blinked in astonishment, passing a glance around Mira's room.

"Who's Saint Chantria again?" Chantria asked for clarification,

"I told you about her before, the character in the novel that shares your name. She was my favorite character! And now she's dead!" Mira lamented pitifully,

Chantria scoffed in disbelief, she could not believe she had gotten up by 2am after a stressful day over the death of a book character.

"You're kidding right?" Chantria asked with a shake of her head.

"No I'm not! She was cold, arrogant and a little unfeeling but she wasn't evil! And Amir was used and now he got drowned in the deep where Saint Chantria's body was kept and everything is just ruined!" Mira sobbed even harder.

Chantria stared at her in bafflement, she could not believe Mira was actually taking the death of a book character so hard.

"It's a character Mira...from a book. She doesn't even exist!" Chantria exclaimed, tempted to grab Mira's shoulder and shake some sense into her.

"Yes she does! At least she used to, but not anymore... because she's dead!" Mira sobbed unconsolably.

"You were right...I definitely wouldn't understand." Chantria murmured, leaning against Mira's head rest while staring at the sobbing female like she was some strange specimen.

"She could have had such a perfect ending, why did the author have to be so cruel?! Now she will lie at the bottom of the sea for all eternity and Zevon, Amir, Irvin and Kahlel will all have horrible endings too!" Mira lamented,

"Why's that? I thought only the Saint and the Amir dude were dead?" Chantria asked.

"Because their fates are tied to Saint Chantria of course! Along with many others! Read the fucking book and keep up!"

"My happiness was tied to her too! I will never be happy again!" Mira sobbed wretchedly, grasping her chest dramatically.

"Wow... just wow..." Chantria exclaimed in awe, 

Chantria felt this level of devotion to a novel character was truly a case study.

Being the dutiful friend that she was, Chantria sat at Mira's side and kept her company till she finally calmed down.

"Sorry Channy, I'm such a mess." Mira said quietly as she wiped her eyes.

"That you are...but it's fine as long as only I get to see it, Ian would freak if he saw you like this." Chantria teased, reaching a hand out to ruffle Mira's hair fondly.

"Like he's any better..." Mira grumbled, but her lips twitched in amusement.

"Really Channy, you need your sleep and I've been sobbing for two hours..." Mira said guilty.

Chantria glanced over at Mira's clock, the time read 4:05am, it truly had been two hours.

"Well, I just have to make the most of the few hours I have left." Chantria said, rising to her feet and stretching tiredly.

"What's so special about that Saint Chantria anyways?" Chantria asked on second thought.

Mira was quiet for a moment before she finally replied.

"She's real Channy... that's why." Mira replied with a small smile.

"Real?...A character in a novel? I would think not." Chantria murmured, shaking her head slightly.

"Read the novel Channy, read and keep up." Mira advised magnanimously.

"So I can wound up sobbing at ungodly hours? Thank you, but I'll pass." Chantria said, chuckling quietly as she headed back to her room.
