
6.13 Vision

Tianlin walked to his study, after dealing with a few details for tomorrow. He can't wait to be done with Fenqi as well. Then it will be just the three of them. Tianlin smiled, thinking about Cillian waiting for him in his study.

He's glad he agreed to wait. Tianlin just wants to spend a little time alone with him. When he entered he froze, Cillian was sitting behind his desk reading a paper, with his imperial seal. Tianlin felt his heartbeat quicken and closed the door behind him.

Cillian looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You've made me your imperial noble consort without asking?"

There's nothing Tianlin can do, without his knowledge.

He let him do it because if the empress dies, the imperial noble consort is crowned in her stead.

Tianlin looked visibly nervous.

"I wanted to make sure when Fenqy dies, you would be crowned empress. Then I'll disperse the harem. I want to get it done as fast as possible."

Cillian asked:
