
A Treasure in the Middle of Nowhere #009

"We won't use bullets here, at least not if we can't help it." I started at the group, I was put in charge of it, after all.

Merle was the only one who looked a bit dejected but didn't speak up, so I knew he understood that, at least.

"You two would come with me, We'll hit that pharmacy. Hopefully, we'll find some medicine, Merle, T dog, and Jacqui will go to that building right there. You'll find miscellaneous, like clothes, some food and possibly some useful equipment. Glenn and Morales will go there with the van. " I pointed at a parking spot. It was isolated of walkers, and what's best is that I bet they'll find a lot of gas there.

"You are splitting us up?" asked Glenn, worried.

I nodded and handed him a radio. "If you find yourself in trouble, channel 3, make sure to keep it close to your head and in low volume, you don't wanna attract attention, also once you are done, you help Jacqui, T-dog, and Merle." I said, handing another radio to Morales, repeating the same thing to him.

There was no more discussion, so I jumped out of the van, and Amy and Andrea followed into the pharmacy.


There were four walkers inside, I sushed Amy and Andrea, they nodded and followed behind me. I sneaked behind one, and with the speed of a mamba strike, I stabbed the head of the walker and set it down slowly to not raise any sound.

I did the same to the other two, but then I turned to the fourth, and it was there anymore.

I frowned.'Okay?'

I looked around. There was nothing, but then I widened my eyes when I saw it jumped out of nowhere onto Andrea.


Andrea screamed out of terror, and just when it was about to bite her, I stabbed it in the head.

Andrea was crying while Amy was shaking on the sides. She couldn't even speak from fear.

I grabbed the walker and threw away from Andrea. She jumped on me like a koala and buried her face on my neck.

"Oh God!!! I-I-m so sorry! Gabriel! I froze... I- Thank you, thank you!!" cried Andrea. I rubbed her back and sileneced her with a peck on the lips.

I set her down besides Amy. "You both decided to come with me. So far, I've taught you how to grab a knife and how to swing it with enough force to penetrate their heads, so now we'll apply that to the walkers. "

"Amy, are you listening to me?" I asked the frightened girl, Andrea shook Amy to snap her out of her trance.

"If you are not ready, then we'll go back, Amy. I love you, so I won't force to thi-"

"N-no! I-I can do this!" she said.

Andrea looked at me with appreciation and lust. I threw a kiss at her, and she grabbed it and did something that made me grin wildly.

She made a motion of grabbing the kiss and rubbed it on her nipples. Amy was blushing the whole time.

I smiled and looked outside. More walkers were making their way here. They must have been attracted to Andrea's scream.

"Very well, then. Have your knives out ready and look for anything useful, " I said to both of them.

"Wait. what will you do?" asked Andrea, worried.

I pointed at outside, and they widened their eyes. Fear started to show on their faces, so I cupped their cheeks harshly, making a slapping sound. "Focus, if you don't, I'll never take you out with me ever again," I said to both of them.

Both girls widened their eyes. Their cheeks were red as if I had slapped them, which I basically did. They started looking around the place for anything useful.

I looked outside and saw a small herd of walkers making their way towards the pharmacy. He looked back at both women and nodded. They were already bagging stuff.

I turned the door knob and heard Andrea. "Come back, safely... please!" she said, worried. Amy just looked ready to cry. "Come back to us!" said Amy too.

I smiled. "I won't die and leave two sexy women behind," I said, winking.

I didn't stay behind for their reaction and rushed outside.

A long knife on hand, I saw three of them walking together, so I kicked the on in the middle, and with swift swings to left and right, I pierced their skulls in a mere second.

Both walkers fell limply on the ground, then I saw the third one, and simply rushed with knife in hand, I stabbed it right in the forehead, making a crunchy sound.

I pulled out, blood dripping from the knife. I looked at the rest of them limping their way towards me, I took care of them quickly before attracting more attention.

