
The Night Of The Full Moon

"Wow! That was a lot of fun! I can't wait for us to do it again." Razi came out of a bar staggering with her heels in her hands. She was lucky that the sidewalk was clean enough for her to walk barefoot.

Smoke Pac came out after her seconds later, looking tipsy, but he was more in control of his bodily functions. While he was busy sparking a cigar, he looked across the street and saw Razi climbing atop the car bonnet to twerk in public.

"Alright, hot sauce, cool it before you give these people the wrong impression." Smoke Pac went over there and dragged her from the bonnet. "Get your ass down from there and get in the car."

"Ok, daddy. Don't be such a buzzkill." She dropped her head roughly onto Smoke Pac's shoulder then burped up a bit of liquor that stained his shirt. Afterwards, she said, "This was your idea for us to celebrate, remember?"
