
Bombs Away

"Well the thing is you might actually know her already." Selena said suddenly making Kanzaki confused for the 100th time that day. He had felt a few times that she seemed familiar but not enough to warrant him to think he knew her already.

"Are you sure? How do you know?" Kanzaki asked wanting as much information as possible. It's not that he didn't trust Selena he just didn't think there was a high chance he knew someone famous like Rose13 despite how familiar her voice sounded. Kanzaki couldn't even picture any girl around that age that he knew well besides Selena.

When Kanzaki asked how she knew Selena had a hidden smile form on her face, "Well let's just say I know people that know people at my job. Rose13 is actually someone that you used to be very close with." Selena said leading Kanzaki down the trail of his memories trying to let him find out for himself.

After Kanzaki began thinking deeper about who it could possibly be he suddenly came across someone in his mind that he had been trying hard to forget and didn't really want to think about ever again, 'It couldn't possibly be her, could it?' Kanzaki thought with uncertainty as a frown began forming on his face.

"I-it can't be Fria right?" Kanzaki said with uncertainty. He had only mentioned Fria to Selena one time and he didn't expect her to remember anything about her except that they had broken up.

When Selena heard Kanzaki's answer her smile grew big, "That's correct!~ Good job~" Selena said as she kissed his cheek.

However, Kanzaki wasn't feeling the happiness of the kiss but instead had a feeling of despair and confusion running amuck inside his mind. He had blocked her weeks ago after she tried to come back but he still was a little curious about what had happened to her.

"What are you thinking about?" Selena asked with concern as she put her face close to his suddenly.

"U-uh there's a ton of things that go with Fria. She was my first love and she disappeared. Even though I don't love her anymore I still have many questions." Kanzaki admitted with a frown still present on his face.

"You're so silly sometimes~ You have me now~" Selena said calmly while staring straight into Kanzaki's eyes. Her gaze was unwavering and almost scary but Kanzaki was starting to have his thoughts shift at her words.

"H-huh what do you mean?" Kanzaki asked.

Selena didn't immediately reply but instead pressed her lips forward locking them with Kanzaki's before kissing him lovingly.

It took her nearly a minute before she finally let the blushing and confused Kanzaki go, "What I mean is that since you have me there's no reason to worry about a girl like her at all~ The only reason I told you is to see how you felt about her and since you said you don't love her anymore everything is perfect~ You don't even have to worry about her and we can live happily~ It's not like she did anything good for you anyway~" Selena said gently with each sentence being soaked in sweeter honey that Kanzaki couldn't refuse.

Kanzaki took a moment to recover from the kiss but when he did his mind was made up, "You're right. Why even bother worrying about that when I have you? She decided not to mention it so I won't either but I will try to stay away from her after this tournament." Kanzaki said with a smile making up his mind after hearing Selena's sweet words. It made sense that he should just focus on Selena instead of worrying about whatever Fria was doing. It also left a huge headache out of Kanzaki's mind and he could only thank Selena for her words.

"Good job~ Now you better hurry up they're probably waiting for us in the call~" Selena said with a happy smile on her face.

With this Kanzaki finally opened the door and made his way out of Selena's apartment, "I love you Kanzaki~" Selena said as he walked out.

"Love you too Selena~" Kanzaki said with a smile before Selena closed her door and Kanzaki made his way inside his own apartment.

Once Kanzaki made his way inside his apartment he didn't waste any time getting on his computer once more and joining the Cord call that already had everyone else on his team including Selena, "Sorry I was late everyone I was hanging out with my girlfriend." Kanzaki said when he joined the call dropping a bomb on everyone.

"DUDE WHAT?!" Samuel shouted in shock.

"G-girlfriend?! Since when did you have a girlfriend?!" Rose13 but now known to Kanzaki as Fria said loudly in shock.

"We did have a good time~" Selena said over the call shocking the other two once more. Samuel and Fria had been chatting normally about the tournament before the two of them had arrived but now that they had arrived they had been bombarded with shock.

"S-so you two are dating now?!" Samuel asked awestruck. He also typed a message to Kanzaki saying that he would need a full explanation later which Kanzaki was fine with.

"Yes, we are, sorry it was so random." Kanzaki said chuckling slightly. He was fine sharing this information since after all none of them were on stream and at the very least they were all acquaintances.


Even though Kanzaki was apologizing it didn't help that the world was crashing down around Fria currently, 'He got a girlfriend?! How is that possible? He should have been single for me!' Fria thought in a rage as she looked at the username of NotBoss413.

She felt like something of hers had been stolen and she wanted it back by any means necessary. With this thought, Fria quickly took out her phone and right before she began texting there was a sudden cold feeling on the back of her head.

"H-huh?" Fria stuttered as she realized her situation.

"Is anything wrong Rose13?~" Selena said smugly over the call.


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