
110- Matthew's Message

Veronica was sitting beside Papa in a moving car. She checked her mobile phone message. She had a bunch of them. Who has sent them: she asked herself. She was feeling a strange feeling. At the same time she wished it were Matthew and not him again. After a second she opened her message box. It was Matthew. She felt an ache at her stomach. She read the first sms: I knew you will leave, but not this soon. The second sms read: Y didn't u wake me up? The third one: I m missing u, my dear girl. The fourth one: U don't know what I m feeling.

She wrote: I did it 4 ur own safety. See we r in a dangerous mission. Ur father's coming. He'll take u home n will take care of u.

Suddenly an sms came from Matthew: U don't know he is not my original father. I m adopted. They've kept this secret from me. I feel cheated by them. U r my only friend. U r gone now.

She typed back: Friends can be physically away from each other, but stay in each others' hearts.

Matthew sent an sms: Filmy dialogue.

Then he sent another sms: I miss ur kiss.

Veronica switched off her mobile phone, got the sim card out and threw it away through the car window.

"You did a very practical thing," said Papa.

But Veronica's mind was saying: Will you just shut up. Yes I know you are my father – you are my senior – but please do not be bossy around me.
