
107- Adam Enters

Mark was driving. Adam just reached airport and called him. He was already waiting outside the airport. Then they directly headed toward the medical. In no time they were in front of M. J. Memorial Medical. Last time he came here there was no side wing. Mark had added a wing to the main building – already a sprawling one. The main gate was open and a dozen of people were standing there. Mark's car approached the gate. As he was going to honk the car horn a security guard in khaki ran to the door and opened it. Mark let the car in and killed the engine before the congregation of people. Another security guard opened the car gate. Mark got out of the car. Followed him Adam.

"How is the boy?" asked Mark to the doctor.

"There is a problem sir," whispered Dr. Philip.

"Don't worry doctor; this is my old chum Adam, father of the boy."

Dr. Philip said, "Sir, we were doing our duty, then suddenly we heard some noise and rushed here. This gentleman who claims him to be an Intelligence officer was shouting…"

The officer interrupted, "Sorry to interrupt, but I am Officer Ryan." He flashed his badge before Mark's face and continued, "I am the journalist of the morning, remember?"

Mark nodded his head.

Ryan said, "I sneaked to your medical and was peeping through the boy's room…"

Mark interrupted, "But it is on the second floor…"

"I climbed up there. I was doing my job, and then I saw a tall lady figure inside the room."

"Wait, a tall lady figure… But…"

"Exactly," Ryan said. "The killer. I shouted killer, killer; then I met these people. I have sent three security guards of yours. – You all wait here, I am going up."

But Adam had already rushed toward the main building.

"Wait sir, it is dangerous. The lady can be armed," shouted Ryan and ran after Adam. But Adam was faster. Adam saw Mark also running after them. After Mark his security guards and doctors were also running. He heard Mark shouting orders, "Wait here, before the lifts. It's engaged. You see anyone don't let her go." In no time Adam, Ryan and Mark were on the top floor.

"Which number room?" shouted Adam.

"Twenty three," shouted back a panting Mark.

Adam halted before twenty third room.

Ryan said, "The gate is open. It can be dangerous. Don't go in sir."

But Adam entered the room.

"Where are the guards, officer?" asked Mark regaining his regular breath.

Ryan said, "How can I know?"

There were eight rooms on this floor. Adam checked seven other rooms.

"No one is here…"

Mark said, "The lady had gone out to the forest through the back gate. May be the guards have gone there too."

Adam shouted, "No, you are not listening to me. I don't care for your guards or the killer. Where is my boy? Where is my son? He is not here too. All the rooms are empty."

Ryan and Mark entered the twenty third room. Adam entered it too. On the bed there was a white rose and a small paper piece on which was written "Sorry."

"So did the killer come here just to make friendship with her victim and say sorry!" said Ryan astonished.
