
104- Small Plasti Bottle

With him Ryan had his gun, badge and a small plastic bottle besides his purse and smart mobile phone which was silent now. The small plastic bottle actually contained a hidden wireless Bluetooth camera which could be connected to his smart mobile phone. He put the bottle inside the windowpane through the railings. He knew that he could not stand there for long. Someone will surely notice me, if not from the inside then from outside the room: he thought and looked at the overly clouded sky. Or it may rain. Then someone will close the window closing my view. So he put the bottle inside the door and got down as he had went up – climbed down. Slowly and carefully. Then opened his smart mobile phone. Activated the Bluetooth device. "Yes," he exclaimed as he could see the girl's face clearly. He clicked the record mode on. He was feeling good. So this is the alleged girl for whom the boy took a bullet. Hmm, a cute girl, I must say. Deserves such dedication: he thought. I wish the sleeping boy turn this way a bit. So that I can also see his face. But the boy was eyeing at the girl. Please boy, look at the camera. – From the look in her eyes I can tell you she is all into you. You need not worry. Just for a split second look at the camera. He expected that a thunder would clap. But nature was not with him. So he had to use his mind and threw a pebble at the window. Hearing the noise, the boy turned toward the window, still in sleeping position. His face was captured by the camera. Good. This will do. The boy is super cute too.Just as I drew him. You wish boy, if you both get a chance in movies then you would be such a charming couple that… Nice, this much is what I need. With this proof I can go to the local magistrate and get a search warrant for the medical. A short bald man along with a tall brawny old man entered the room. Ryan's smart mobile phone captured this too.
