
65- Rad

Rad, the gatekeeper of Karl, the publisher's main house knew some deep secrets about his employer, but he hardly blurted them out to anyone including his wife. This earned him the confidence of his employer and he was determined to maintain that trust. Meanwhile, another secret had just been added to his crown.

Rad had met Dick, the previous evening while strolling in the market. Dick, who used to be the gatekeeper at the publisher's beach house, had broken his ex-employer's trust and was in hiding in Lambtown and working with a security agency. When he came across Dick, Rad ignored him and did not want both of them to exchange greetings. However, Dick greeted Rad, embraced him and asked, "How are you brother?"

Rad who was still feeling hurt over a previous incident, responded thus: "Good! I'm not like you a cheat."

Dick laughed over the uncomplimentary remark while still locked in an embrace with Rad. This attracted the attention of passers-by, but afterwards they went to a nearby hotel where Dick placed an order for two veg-burgers. Rad then asked Dick: "Why did you cheat our good employer?"

Dick sneered, "Good employer! Brother, you don't know about him. That's why you are still loyal to him. If you knew his secrets, you would not address him as a 'good employer.'

"What's the secret that will test my loyalty?"

"No offence brother. I know you are the most loyal man and would remain so if those secrets were revealed to you. The thing is that I am cooked up with his showy goodness."

In spite of Rad's silence, Dick continued, "Brother, you don't know why he built the beach house."

Rad simply responded, "For relaxation, of course."

Dick laughed out loud and said, "You are just an innocent child brother."


"You don't know anything. The publisher built the beach house for his secret affairs."

"What did you say? Don't say rubbish. It's not good to castigate our employer."

"You and your convictions, Rad brother. Even if I reveal the truth before you, you won't believe it. Haven't you ever observed that the publisher publishes only novels that are written by women, mostly spinsters and widows?"

"Because our employer wants to help them."

"Rad brother, don't say that. He publishes them for his lecherous benefit."

"What proof do you have?"

"I am the proof," said Dick. "I have seen it all with my eyes. Many-a-time the publisher would give me tips and then send me away. Miss Mala is his favourite, you know."

As Rad stood up to go away, Dick caught his hand and made him sit down after pledging to change their topic of discussion to something else.

Rad was quite frank as they began to talk about their lives, families and so on. Somehow Rad mentioned the publisher again!

Dick remarked, "Hey, I witnessed something strange the day I left the job.

Prior to the publisher's arrival at the beach house, some goonish men and a girl came to me and offered me a bribe which value was more than twenty times my former salary. I was then asked to leave the place forever, otherwise my life would be on the line. Since I didn't want to die in their hands, I simply took the money and quit the job."

This was shocking to Rad. He continued, "I had noticed a creepy white-haired old man earlier that day wearing an expensive coat. He looked like a Lambtownee royal, but there was something strange about him. He was observing the beach house. Perhaps he was with that group or a rival group, even though I am not very sure of this."

Rad recalled something, "Oh, I had similarly noticed an old man that matches your description standing before the main house. He was following our employer who came home the next day, badly hurt."

"Oh he was hurt! Oh no. I should have informed the police."

"I should be cautious. The next time I see the old man, I will kill him."
