
30- Rescue

Daniel kept the taxi in his friend's garage and rushed for Malkhan hill. Near the foot of the hill he hid himself behind a wall. He had to wait for over half an hour. This half an hour's wait was like a test of his perseverance. Then came Veronica who was inside his taxi an hour ago. He had rode her from Kaerlud to Malkahan hill, Nenses. A strange girl she was. She was doing some research on Malkhan lifestyle. Her father a lean short bald man had paid him a heavy amount and had asked to take care of Veronica and observe her activities from a distance. If necessary he had even supplied Daniel with his phone number.

Veronica was not alone now. She was with a lean and tall boy. The boy seemed overtly talkative. The boy and Veronica started for the hill. Daniel followed closely behind them. He was feeling like a filmy detective. For this girl's papa had given him a heavy amount for his girl's safety and protection. That was why from a driver he had to become a detective. He observed the boy was trying hard to cheer Veronica's mood. But Veronica was very tough. No one could seduce her. Daniel was closely following them. What was in Veronica's mind Daniel could not know? But it was all visible what was inside the boy's brain. The boy was trying very hard, very very hard to impress Veronica. But it was not easy. Perhaps he started cracking some jokes. But Veronica was not giving in. She stopped and said him something. Daniel from a distance could not make it out – could not listen what they were talking about. He wished he had super ears, so that he could listen to them. But no. That was impossible. He followed them. He thought before reaching the hill Veronica would slap the boy. But no. Something different happened. Veronica started talking to the boy.

The driver – Daniel, was very much excited now. What will happen next: he asked himself. Now the boy and Veronica crossed a celebration of young Malkhans – mainly gathered for marriage now. Now Daniel was on top of the hill. Par with Veronica and the boy. He crept behind a wall of the room where Veronica and the boy entered with half a dozen old Malkhan men. He now heard what they were talking to each other. She was telling him in English. He was translating it into Malkhan language. Everything was going good. She was asking and he was translating. Yet there was at the back of his mind that the boy would be the cause of a great problem for her. Why he felt that way he could not explain. But he felt that the boy was ominous.

Then something happened. Sounds. Thuds. As if some fighting was going on. Why fighting: he asked himself. A moment later the seven old men came out of the hut and were shouting. They closed the door of the hut from outside. Daniel feared that they were going to roast Veronica and the boy. His fear was getting realized before him. One old man – who seemed more agitated than others, was shouting "Fire". Daniel got into action mode. There was no time he could waste. He called Charles – the hotel owner – his friend.

Daniel said, "Hello."

Charles leisurely lingeringly said, "Hello."

Charles had no sense of urgency as Daniel was having now. He said to Charles, "I am at the Malkhan hill. You know I came here driving a teen age girl."

Humorously Charles said, "Oh you have come a long distance faring a girl. I thought you have come here to see me."

He was in no mood to joke. In no mood to burst out at his friend either. So he very calmly and steadily said, "Listen to me. The situation is very critical here. Two teenagers are going to die if you do not do anything."

Charles said, "What, two teenagers are going to die? What can I do?"

"Just listen to me. Do not interject. This is very important. Call the police and tell them that the Malkhans are going to kill two teenagers – one girl, one boy, on the hill. If they do not hurry then soon the duo will be dead. Well calling the police is step one. But we can not wholly rely upon the first step. There is this step two. Call our friends here. Inform them it is a dire condition. Two lives hang on their action, they must know this. Ask them to leave all their personal works and come uphill as soon as possible. If possible come with their vehicles with full noise. Ask them to honk their horns. And one more important thing. Ask them to come with their guns. The situation is very dire here. We may need it. Be quick. Take action immediately. I am waiting. If you are not coming in time I am going to take action myself. And that will be very dangerous for me, you know. Very risky. Just inform others. You personally come quickly with your platoon. Bye."
