
27- Daniel

The driver who drove Veronica here named Daniel parked his car in a nearby hotel – The Jewel Hotel. He rushed into the hotel building – a cozy one – a two storey building. His old time friend named Charles who was balding was standing at the counter of the hotel lobby talking over his mobile phone. Daniel put his taxi key into Charles' pant pocket. Charles said noticing him, "Hey buddy, where the hell are you going away?"

He smirked and said, "Nowhere, just here."

Charles said to the mobile phone in a whisper, "Just a second" and said to Daniel, "Hey buddy, you come after a long time and you are going away so early. What is the matter? Are you going somewhere? Why did you put your car key in my pocket?"

Daniel just said before vanishing behind a wall, "You know me." And he disappeared behind the wall.

Yes Charles was his college buddy. They had attended three years of degree classes together. Daniel was a romantic. Though his father died when he was studying in college yet he never ceased to be a being of imagination. His innocence Charles liked the most. That was why even if there was a long geographical distance, they were still best of buddies.

When Daniel vanished behind the wall Charles twitched his lips. He never favoured this mysterious style of his. Charles was married now. He would not allow such traits in his children. He wished his boys very open to him. Not a bit secretive like Daniel. That was why he always tried to be a truthful open minded father to his two sons. He was confident that he would prove a good father, because he had been a good friend.
