
The World's Tree Little Sappling


As the morning came in the Forest of Beginnings, hundreds of different types of birds sang their beautiful melodies, making loud noise across the entire and bountiful domain of nature.

The squirrel-kin climbed trees and gathered fruits and nuts for their families, while the Myconid dug underground, finding delicious roots and mushrooms to eat.

The fairies attended their huge farms, while cleaning the sweat off their foreheads, while Brownies and Gnomes worked together mining magical and spirit ores in the new, bountiful mines found underground.

All the people of the forest were working diligently every day, taking from the bountiful harvest of the forest while also giving back everything they could.

Titania glanced at the windows, smiling as she saw the beauty of the new Forest, she glanced at Yggdrasil, sighing in relief.

"Mother, you've left behind an incredible legacy… I'm sure Elayne will honor it well- Oh?"
