
A Rather Peculiar Country


"Halt! You're about to enter the Luminous Kingdom's Capital…" One of the many guards stopped us. "You… seem like a rather… colorful group. A lot of filthy Demi-humans… But you're Players, so I guess it's fine, hmph… Well, you'll need to pay to enter anyways. I assume you're not registered yet."

"Who are you calling a filthy demi-human, you shit for brains?!" Rita was about to beat the man senseless, until she realized the NPC-protecting barrier activated around him.

"Rita, calm down, we can't hurt NPC, remember?" I sighed. "Sorry about that… She's quite wild sometimes. And I am rather sorry that you see us as filthy beings, I'll make sure to prove you all wrong." I smiled back at the guard. "How much is it to enter?"

"Hmph, don't get too ahead of yourself, you tree woman." The guard muttered. "But to enter… It is a hundred gold per head!" He smiled rather deviously, thinking we couldn't afford that much.
