
Chapter 525

  "Uncle is a beast! He is mean, loud, and scary!" 

"Pffth—!" Diamond almost laughed out loud, hearing Mackie's answer. 'It seems that the bickering between them is mutual. Vernon also told me a few times that Mackie is so loud, demanding, and hyperactive for a little girl.'

Vernon complained a few times, but he got offended whenever Diamond asked if he hated Chloe's daughter.


'What the— how am I able to hate my own daughter?!' Vernon snapped as he found the question to be so outrageous. 

'Then why do you keep complaining about her?' Diamond asked. 'I mean, if you see her as your daughter, wouldn't you think that she is perfect?'

'You can love your daughter and still complain about her behavior. Mackie is not a satan's child or whatsoever. She's just hyperactive and loud.'

'Did you tell Chloe about it then?"
