
Schemes (part 2)

feng-yan spend her whole time in library while reading books. she know what is happening in the house she had heard her so-called mother giving order to her maid to send money to the order. she had bribe a official to increase the holiday of wang lei cause of this he will leave to border after a week.

if she want to stop the schemes of her so-called mother it is not much difficult she just need to throw tantrum and her doting father would throw her outside the house without even asking Li-Min. after the week wang lei will leave to border and will die in the conflict on the border that why she need to prepare for her departure toward the border she know that her father will not scold her for that so currently she is finding the map of the border so she can have better understanding of the border. the library was big and its hard to find the book that you want without the instructions of liberian and she had little conflict between them.

the liberian here is too arrogant and look down at everyone since this village is near the border people living here are not arrogant since they had to relay on the soldier that why solider had good reputation and this was also one of the reason why village girls had eye on her father but he never put them in his eyes. lot of girls has been rejected by her father.

she press her lips together when she was not able to find the map finding no option she walk toward liberian desk. looking at the arrogant face of the liberian she roll her eyes without giving much thought she knock on the desk to gain her acknowledment. the liberian look at her and scoff she doesn't lol feng-yan much cause of her unique feature although she look gorgeous but if she put some white powder on her face to make her look pale then she will not look much less then ghost well a gorgeous ghost.

she raise her nose in the air with proud look and snicker "what do you want" her voice was not polite at all. she look at her like she is looking at some dirt disgusted was clearing written on her face but feng-yan had became numb with this kind of expression she doesn't look scared infact she stare at her with her paor of ruby red eyes causing the liberian shiver. the liberian quickly realise that her father wang lei is still in village if he get to know that she had talk to his daughter like this he will surely came here to settle score with her. she grrited her teeth and ask her in little polite tone "feng-yan which kind of book you came here to find tell aunt i will surely find you that" in the end she her most famous fake smile which doesn't work infront of feng-yan.

she just look at her with indifferent experssion and speak in cold voice without any kind of warmth "i want the map of the border and the area around it" liberian was little taken back why her request but she quickly compose herself and walk toward the book selves where maps kept. she immediately take all the map of the border there was exact location of border but the border was surrounded by the forest so the normal people can't go there other then soldier. the founder of this kingdom had choose perfect loction for border if someone attack the border at first they will exhauste there strength and if they want to enter the country they had to cross the forest which is filled with beast that can take your life anytime if you are not cateful enough this cause her to worry. she can't cultivate and don't know how to fight with beast if she enter the forest without making any preparation then she will lost her life instead of saving her father life.

she start mumbling cursing at her luck at first when she born she lost her mother then she got scheme mother and she can't even culrivate there is no way she can find a way to start cultivate her physic is diffrent from other people she need much spiritual energy to cultivate but this village had very less amount of spiritual energy that why she olan to head toward main capital after solving her own problem so she can leave this village with ease or else she had to take care of her future sister and had to take the path of the novel which want to avoid if this happen then no one can stop her ending.

she write down the main path of the border and decide to go home when she exit the libreary it was past mid-night but she was not scared at all infact she felt happy while walkimg in dark there is no people who will look at her disgust, there is no one who will call her names, there is no one who will judge her look and her talent instead there is silence a peaceful silence. she raise her head and look at the sky which is filled with shiny star it was a beautiful site to look she alway think about the novel that she never enjoy her surrounding now she look at the sky filled with star and the shiny moon it relax her alot a small smile form on her face and she close her eyes to capture the site in her mind when she open them there is happiness in them with a wide smile she walk towarf her home while himming a song. the beautiful night sky had give her good mood she decide to throw the novel at the back of her mind and enjoy her life for one day. when she reach the home her eyes norrow when she past the main courtyard she can heard some noises inside she trun a blind eye to it and go to her room to sleep.

next day when she wake up she had to the forest near her house to collect some herbs while looking at the scenery she enjoy every single thing on that day she had a weried feeling that it must be her last time when she see this forest and village so she roam the village for whole day while ignoring the gaze of people.
