
Chapter 11: Explanation and the Horsemaster of the Far Fields

(a/n Sorry about the delay. this is what i have to deal with. this is image of my trashy computer)


Raime: "Heyyyy guyyyys~ how's it going?~"

Lilith: "I think you owe me, *ahem*...us an explanation."

Hmm, does "me" have an "us" in it?

Roland: "While I respect your privacy, you should still tell us something important about this. We should know what each other are capable of. In the midst of battle, keeping secrets regarding useful abilities like this will only result in disaster. Telling each others what we are capable of, can help in strategic planning and support I'm Comabt."

Mordecai: "Yeah...he is right though. Sure we don't tell each other alot of what we are fully capable of, since all of have secrets of our own, or we still don't fully trust each other yet. We have only known each other for less than a week (26 ED)."

Oh yeah, I forgot Mordecai got betrayed by that Karen bounty hunter a few hours before he got on Marcus' Bus.

That was actually funny how Bloodwing cut her arm clean off. Mordecai had kept Bloodwing a secret until the betrayal.

I forgot her name, but she was just a random woman who pretended to be wounded and stranded in the wastelands.

Mordecai decided to help her get to her destination, but he was double crossed by her.

She revealed she was going to collect a Bounty on him, alive.

Unfortunately, Bloodwing revealed himself and cur her arm off.

Mordecai then left her with the Bandits so that they can collect the bounty on her, them on Mordecai since he'd just kill them all with Bloodwing.

After that he met Marcus and the rest happened.

(A/n This all happened on one of the few Borderlands Comics there was. There is one for each of the four Vault Hunters and shows their meeting on the Bus and prior to it with some life history. Naturally, Lilith is the most important since it shows her meeting the previous PhaseWalk Siren known only as "The Eldest".)

Brick: "Why didn't you tell me you had powers! That's awesome man!"

Angel was watching again. John too.

Piss of Jack!

Stop evasdroping on everything!

Well...when I free Angel, you won't be seeing shit anymore!

Raime: "It's just simple Teleportation."

Mordecai: "How is Teleporting "just simple"..."

Lilith: "Are you a Siren?"

Hook, Line and Sinker...

I removed the wrappings on my body to show a series of blue spiral Tattoos on my left arm, and red Tattoos on my right.

These Tattoos are not my real ones. They are fake. My real Siren Tattoos are Black fir my right arm and goldish-yellow for my left. Not only that, but the design are different.

Lilith: "YOU ARE A SIREN!"

She was jumping for joy at having discovered someone like herself. During her childhood, after she had met The Eldest and her father had died, she was bullied and insulted for having her Tattoos.

Nit only that but she didn't even know what it meant to be a Siren or what it even was.

Raime: "I'm not a Siren."

Lilith: "Then why do you have Tattoos like mine? And how can you Teleport?"

Angel was definitely confused right now as well. Only males can be Sirens, and yet I had Blue Tattoos.

I simply took out a vial with some liquid in it and rubbed my body with it in the places of my fake Tattoos. All of them had vannished and had been cleaned away like a pencil and rubber.

Raime: "I know about Sirens and their Lore. I Tattooed my body because I follow their Creed and that of the Eridian race."

Roland: "Does that mean you know about the Vaults?"

John was a bit worried I might ruin his plans and reveal what the Vault of The Destroyer really contained.

Raime: "No...I know most of their history, but not enough. I know more about the Sirens if anything. Taht is why I came to Pandora. To discover and learn about the Vaults."

I lied of course. I'll tell them everything once I free Angel from Thousand Cuts. That is the place I suspect she is at the most moment.

Roland: "What do you know? It might help us regarding the Vault."

Lilith was definitely interested in hearing what I have to say now. Even though I wasn't wasn't Siren, that had made her quite depressed, what I had just said had restored her cheerful and curious mood.

I went over to put on my gear. They probably know that I am definitely the youngest, but they don't know my exact age. As I was putting on my Light Armor again, I narrated what I knew. I did make sure not to let John/Jack learn anything new that can benefit him.

Raime: "The Erdians had once sought our the Sirens for help. There can only be 6 Siren that can exist at any one point, but they are all female. So far the powers I know of are these. PhaseWalk, is what you have Lilith. It can allow you to faze through dimensions and teleport freely anywhere you desire. PhasLock allows one to entrap an enemy with a sphere of energy, though there are more effects to it. PhaseShift allows one to hack and control technology once it has been hacked into. It also has electrokinesis of an unknown degree. PhaseTrance is a little hard to explain. But it is mostly destruction based powers. The other two I am not aware of. Eridium is a substance like a purple mineral that can enhance a Sirens power. But it will cause death and will weaken the Siren if consumed too often or in large quantities. The Vaults were made by the Eridians to contain dangerous creatures as prisoners and too also hide and store away their technology and knowledge. There's more, but I can tell you about it another time."

John was surprised to learn of the existence of Eridium. Actually, he knew what it was, but not what it could do.

I had stressed the fact it could kill Sirens. When he becomes evil one day, I only hope he has a sliver of humanity left inside him to erase his twisted thoughts, of using Eridium on Angel, from his head.

The Seer most likely had possessed him when he had used the Vault of The Sentinal on Elpis.

Speaking of which. I actually want to use it. Maybe it can give me insight on how to use and develop my PhaseTime powers.

I'll have to open it before Zarpadon and John/Jack use it.

The Watcher might be protecting it as well. I will need to be careful at that time. I still don't know if it can be trusted...

Mordecai: "So we gotta fight a large monster...great~"

Raime: "Not always. But even if we do, there is always treasure if the Eridians inside.

The Vault of The Destroyer had no treasure except the mouth of the Eridian's most dangerous prisoner.

Bit the other Vaults definitely do. Maybe I'll take everyone here to the Vault of the Coward.

(A/n Borderlands 2: Torgue's Campaign of Carnage DLC.)

It has loots of loot inside be released, once the "Blood of the Ultimate Coward" is spilt upon it.

Piston is killed because he is a Coward which opened the Vault.

Jack is not a Coward since he still faces the Vault Hunter

I'll need to find a Coward to kill...I'm sure I'll find one.

Maybe Sparky Flynt?

As I was thinking, a voice broke me from my thoughts.

Lilith: "Do you know about my...PhasWalk power...and how I can control it better?"

I looked at her and I noticed she was incredibly nervous. She definitely wanted to know more about her Siren lineage.

She looked cute, despite being smoking HOT and a badass.

But I prefer Angel.

If Angel doesn't like and fall in love with me, then I've got Lilith and Maya.

I could get Tannis too, I'll help restore her mind and cure her of her Psychosis by purchase an Assasin's Creed Animus machine.

It shouldn't be nearly as much as my Dark Saber had. It definitely will be less then 80 billion. Maybe less than 50 billion.

By that time I'll be rich enough to get it. No need to rush.

I can also just transfer Tyreen's PhaseLeech to a girl forcefully by killing Tyreen in a Vault.

Whichever girl I choose to marry can inherit the PhaseLeech by entering Nyriad's Vault, where I plan to kill Tyreen.

It worked for Nyriad and trapped her soul/Siren Power, so it work again.

The Siren Power will be forced to find a host, I'll make it have no other choice but to choose whoever I place in the Vault.

It'll eventually have no choice but to inhabit the female inside since it has no suitable candidate, so it'll choose my wife I put inside. With her consent of course.

Raime: "I know of PhaseWalk to good degree. Do you want me to help teach you what I kn-"

I didn't even get to finish before she jumped at me and hugged me.

Lilith: "YES! THANK YOU!"

She noticed what her situation was and how she acted and blushed slightly.

I guess she is still that Nerd that played Bunkers & Badassas.

(A/n It is a D&D Borderlands version. For those of you that don't know.)

I can feel Angel's jealousy through my Siren Connection with her.

Maybe I should try making one with Lilith.

I was able to make one easier with Angel because she contacted me first. And I just traced it backwards to her.

But I need to create a link with Lilith without her knowing.

That's going to be a long and arduous task.

Welp...better get started later today.

I then informed everybody about the gate and our Plan for Sledge.

I was able to explain my Prototype Teleporter and got away with that lie.

No one knows I'm a Suren and I just "proved" it.

John had lost interest since I someone like me could make it, he or the other Hyperion scientists can do better.

His arrogance will be his downfall, and will benefit me like it has now. He won't be as interested in me now.

Angel was watching me much more often now.

She wanted to know more about Sirens, but doesn't want to reveal she is a Siren so long as John is watching.

She may also have been ordered through the Slave Collar to not reveal her powers.

Or she could still be suffering from PTSD of killing her mother, and didn't want me being afraid of her if I found out she was a Siren.

Too bad I already knew...since my past life as well.

Doesn't that make me the oldest being in this Universe?

I mean...this Universe may have been created specially for me when I Reincarnated.

So I am older then even the Eridians and The Destroyer itself. Not gonna lie, that's kinda cool.

I went to scout out Sledge's Mine and learn what I could of the patrol, Bandits, areas and so on.

???: "I'll Eat Your Babies!"

I teleported in an instant from where I was and to my prepared hide away, I made 50 metres from Sledge's Mine.

I used my sniper to look at my recent position.

No one was there.

When I was thinking where the Bandit that had suprised me could be, I had gotten my answer.


Raime: "*grumble* Angel, you know I could have been shot at, if I had given away my location by misfiring."

Once she finished laughing at my reaction to her prank she responded.

Angel: "I know, i know. But I trust my Knight isn't going to get himself killed so easily. Jokes aside, you were safe and no one of Danger was near you."

Raime: "Is that so. Well, why did my Darling Angel contact me. Worried are you? Or did you want to see the handsome face beneath my mask?"

Haha, payback. She's getting heated. If I looked, she might have steam comming out of her ears from how much she was blushing.

Angel: "I-Why would I be interested in your looks. I'm positive you look average."

Raime: "Averagely handsome."


I was certain I heard and "oof" sound play inside my head as I pictured what might be inside Angel's mind.

Angel: "Uh-Y-I contacted you to tell you to stay away from Skag Gully from now on for your own safety."



This is strange?

Nothing there should be of any danger fir all of us.

Raime: "Why?"

Angel: "There seems to be a tear in reality in that area. It has become incredibly unstable."


I wonder...

Raime: "Can you show me what you can see, to my Echo."

Angel did so, and what I had saw had made me lose my mind and geek the fuck out!

I literally saw three things there.

One was a man with a cowboy hat and black covered lethar armour, with a brown tattered cape around his neck. He also had two Katanas on his back.

The second was I saw a gigantic herd of horses. Not just any horse, but ones that had a white body and hair to match. The greatest noticible feature they all had, were their pure orange eyes.

The last thing I saw was the place beyond the Portal. It was an endless plain of sand and large stone stacks. Of what you can see, it was uninhabited, expect fir the man and the horses. But I knew better.

That man was very powerful.

And those horses, at least one of them, is something I lust after.

It was a Phantom Horse.

The place beyond the Portal was the Far Fields.

And the man, was non other then the Horsemaster.

Who and what are all these things I am saying?

All of this is from the "Darksiders" game Universe.

The Horsemaster is a mysterious being who watches over the herds of horses on a world known as The Far Fields.

(a/n Image Here)

The Horsemaster has extremely keen senses, being able to intercept Death, who is well known for his agility and speed. He is also able to open Serpent Holes. He is also considered by Death to be one of the most dangerous beings in the universe, as he claims that none save himself can bring about "Eternal Darkness" faster than The Horsemaster.

The Far Fields are an ancient realm home to primordial herds of Phantom Horses and their custodian, the Horsemaster.

The Four Horsemen came to this realm after their deal with the Charred Council and tamed their steeds from the wild herds with the help of the Horsemaster.

The Phantom Horses are beings that are said to have the "Blood of Creation" flow within them.

(a/n Image here of an Untamed Phantom Horse)

(a/n Image of a Tamed Phantom Horse with a name. Darksiders Four Horseman of Apocalypse and their Horses)

They will not submit to anyone unless they deem that person worthy through a test of Will.

Once the rider passes the test, they must name the Phantom Horse. Once done l, a Bond between the Hirse and rider will be created.

The Horse will then gain a new appearance, corresponding and matching the one it has bonded to.

War's horse, Ruin, took on a fiery appearance.

Death's horse, Despair, had lost most of its flesh and skin to look like a Undead or Zombified horse to represent his Master and Rider Death. It also gained a ghost like aura around itself.

The Phantom Horses had many abilities in the Lore, that wasn't displayed in the games.

As for why Borderlands and Darksiders Universes are connected. I can only assume it is because the Darksiders Universe is connected via the Multiverse.

The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse had to carry out orders by decree if the Charred Council to go to various worlds and universes.

Or maybe, in the future I had torn the veil between Space and Time.

Or I used Ciri's Elderblood Gene.

Or the Four Horsemen might also exist here. I mean...the Biblical myths and legends of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse exist in any universe that has an Earth.

Maybe they had been to the Borderlands Universe at one point and that is why they had been written into the Borderlands Universe Bible.

But one thing is for certain...

I'm getting one of those Phantom Horses right now!

And so I teleported with all my power to the Portal. I had ignored Angel's desperate pleas to get me to stop and if I continued I would die.

Maybe she had seen what had happened to anyone that tried harming the Horsemaster.

I'm not an idiot with a Death Wish.

The Horsemaster was said by Deatb himself to be his equal or near-equal in power.

That is nothing to scoff at.

Death had fought the Nephilem, killed his elder brother Absalom, fought the Demon King Samael who is a Servant of Lucifer, is the son of Lilith, leader of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the Strongest amongst them, killed the Crowfather, fought The Guardian, stopped the Corruption and all manor of other insane shit!

Why would I harm him, if he is only acting in self defense and the protection if the Phantom Horses.

If he denies my request to tame a Horse, then I'll just go back. I choose to live over dying.

I placed my Echo in my Inventory so Angel can't contact me, or have Universal laws conflicting with her Siren power.

I will also have to not use my power when I'm there in the Far Fields.

I crossed the Portal and approached the Horsemaster.

Raime: "Greetings Horsemaster of the Far Fields, I have come to-."

Horsemaster: "To tame one of them. Haven't you?"

Raime: "Yes."

Horsemaster: "At least you aren't like this poor fellows who tried attacking me through the Portal, or those creatures."

I could see a pile of Bandit corpses among many other Skags and creatures, horribly and brutally mutilated by the Horsemaster's katanas.

He stood up and approached me.

I stiffed slightly since I was well aware if how powerful he was. There was a chance he might kill me, but that was only 0.000001% since I showed no hostility thus far.

He placed a hand on my shoulder and I relaxed from it. He used magic to calm me.

Horsemaster: "There is no need to fear me. You are allowed to tame one, if you can. I am simply the guardian here. Any who I or the Charred Council deems worthy, may be allowed the chance to ride a Phantom Horse. Go now...face them."

I nodded my head and prepared myself mentally.

I threw my weapons onto the floor and removed my mask.

I walked forward and waited for the herd to accept my challenge.

One of them will be mine!

I'll do more reasoning fir Phantom Horses and how Darksiders and Borderlands Universes are connected next time.

Knight_Rikucreators' thoughts